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Menucha Retreat for Women this summer
Menucha Retreat is finally back and gearing up for a unique three week summer experience for the women of our community.
It's the ideal getaway... in town!

Sample programming includes:
Fitness daily - yoga, aerobics, aquatics, simcha dancing
Paint your own Masterpiece
Making Friends with your Hormones - by Dr Dahlia Nahon
Inspiring Shiurim daily
Communicating with Difficult People - by Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Spa Day
Cook off with Estee Kafra
Cooking Tips from a professional chef David Bloom - a hands on experience.
Mystery House outing
And much more

Each day at Menucha Retreat brings a sense of adventure, fun, personal growth and camaraderie!
When: June 29 -July 15 (Monday through Wednesday) 10:00 AM. - 1:00 PM
Where: Beth Jacob High school auditorium
Cost:$300 for the season or $125 per week
Babysitting available
To register or for more information email:
Or call:
Esther Basser 416-638-3366
Chavi Czermak 416-787-8123
Shifra Spiro 416-781-9768

Posted 5/28/2015 8:31 PM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

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How to Celebrate Purim - 5775:
Reprinted with permission from Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz - Westmount Shul

Purim is celebrated this year on Wednesday evening March 4th and Thursday March 5th.

1 – Fast of Esther:

1. The fast is on Wednesday, March 4th.
2. The fast begins at 5:37 A.M. and ends at 7:00 P.M. Those who find fasting very difficult may eat at 6:45 P.M.
3. All adult males and females over Bar/Bat Mitzvah are obligated to fast.
4. Pregnant and Nursing women are exempt from fasting.
5. A person who is ill [even if it is not serious] is not permitted to fast.
6. One should not fast even if one only has a severe headache.
7. Children under bar/bat Mitzvah do not need to fast even for a few hours. Nevertheless, they should not be given treats.
8. You may take medications prescribed by a doctor. One, who has difficulty swallowing pills without water, may drink the amount of water required to swallow them.
9. One may rinse the mouth only if bad taste causes discomfort. Only a small amount of liquid should be used while leaning forwards in order to minimize the chance of it being swallowed.
10. One is permitted to eat before the fast, provided that one explicitly states before going to sleep that he/she plans to wake up early to eat before the fast begins.
11. Bathing is permitted even with hot water.
12. It is permitted to listen to music.
13. The special “Aneinu” prayer is said during the Mincha Amida by those who are fasting.
14. “Avinu Malkeinu” is said during Shacharis, but not during Mincha.

2 - The Half Shekel:

1. On the Fast of Esther [usually around Mincha time], there is a custom to give three coins to charity. Each coin should be the denomination of ½ the standard currency in that country [e.g. ½ a dollar].
2. If one does not have the correct coins, he should purchase them [optimally for approximately $19] from the charity box, and then put them back into the charity box.
3. All adult males are obliged in this Mitzvah. The custom is that a father gives on behalf of his sons, whatever their ages.
4. The custom is that women are not obliged to give.
5. The money collected should be given to the poor.
6. If one forgot to give it on Erev Purim, he should give the money on Purim morning before the Megilah reading.
7. One may not use his “Ma’aser [charity] money” to fulfill this Mitzvah.

3 – Prayers on Purim:

1. We recite the “Al Hanisim” prayer during all 3 Amidas and for Birchas Hamazon. If one forgets to say it, he need not repeat the Amida or Birchas Hamazon.
2. ‘Tachanun” and “Lamenatzeach” are omitted during Shacharis.
3. The Torah is read during Shacharis – before the Megilah reading.
4. One should not pray while dressed in a costume. One must dress respectfully during davening.
5. If a person is intoxicated to the extent that he would not be able to speak respectfully to an important official, he may not pray. If he is only slightly intoxicated, to the extent that he would be able to speak respectfully to an important official, it is nonetheless not correct to pray. However, the custom is to be lenient and allow prayer in this state, although ideally he should wait until he is sober.

4- Work on Purim:

1. All forms of work are permitted on the evening of Purim.2
2. The custom is to prohibit going to work on the day of Purim. The Rabbis of the Talmud tell us that whoever works on Purim will not see any blessing from it.
3. Work is permitted in the following situations:
• If not working will cause financial loss
• Work that is necessary for a Mitzvah
• Work that is required for Purim
4. One may ask a non-Jew to do all forms of work for the Jew.
5. Laundering is prohibited unless the clothes are necessary for Purim.
6. It is permitted to shave or take a haircut if it is done in order to look presentable on Purim itself.
7. It is forbidden to cut one’s nails.
8. The custom is to wear Shabbos clothes on Purim. One should keep his Shabbos clothes on through the evening of Purim while hearing the Megilah.

5 – Reading /Hearing the Megilah:

1. Men and women over bar/bat Mitzvah are obligated to hear the Megilah twice – one time at night and one time in the morning.
2. Children who are mature enough to listen attentively to the Megilah reading should do so. Preferably, such children should be brought to hear the public reading. However, they must be properly supervised during the reading and should understand that they have not been brought to Shul simply for the fun of banging at Haman. Young children who are likely to cause a disturbance and prevent others from hearing the Megilah should not brought to Shul for Megilah reading.
3. The earliest time to read the Megilah is after nightfall –7:00 P.M. The earliest correct time to read the Megilah in the morning is after sunrise – 6:47 A.M. The Megilah can be read all day long until sunset.
4. Before reading or listening to the Megilah one should have in mind that they are fulfilling the Mitzvah of reading or hearing the Megilah. Additionally, the reader should have in mind to include all the listeners who wish to fulfill their obligation.
5. Three blessings are made by the reader before reading the Megilah in the evening and in the morning:
• “Al Mikra Megilah”
• “She’asa Nisim”
• “Shehechiyanu”
6. One should stand when saying or hearing the blessings.
7. When listening to the blessings, you should have in mind that you are fulfilling your obligation. When hearing
the “Shehechiyanu” blessing in the day, one should have in mind to include all the special Mitzvos of Purim. The reader should have in mind that he is reciting the blessings on behalf of the entire congregation.
8. If a person arrives to Shul in the middle of the blessings:
• If there is sufficient time, he should quickly say the blessings himself, taking care that they are
completed before the reading begins.
• If there is insufficient time to say all the blessings, he should say as many of the blessings that he can.
• If there is not enough time to recite any of the blessings, he should preferably attend another reading
where the blessings will be heard.
• If this is very inconvenient, he may listen to the Megilah without hearing the blessings.
9. A special blessing is made after the evening Megilah reading in the presence of a Minyan. “Shoshanas Yaakov” is sung after the Megilah reading.
10. The listeners may sit during the reading of the Megilah. The reader should stand when reading to a minyan, but may lean if necessary.
11. One must hear very word of the Megilah. If a person missed even one word he has not fulfilled his obligation. Therefore, it is mandatory to arrive on time for Megilah reading.
12. If a person did not hear some words, he should immediately say the words himself. However, this creates a problem since the reader continues to read the Megilah while the person is saying the missed words, thereby causing him to miss further words. Therefore, he must say the missed words and continue reading until he overtakes the reader, at which point he may resume listening.
13. It is forbidden for both the reader and listener to speak from the beginning of the first blessing until the end of the after blessing. Parents must be aware of this when bringing young children to the reading.
14. There are four verses of the Megilah which are read out loud before the reader. They are the following:3
• Chapter 2, verse 5
• Chapter 8, verse 15
• Chapter 8, verse 16.
• Chapter 10, verse 3
15. In addition, it is customary for the congregation to say the names of the ten suns of Haman out loud.
16. It is a time honored tradition to bang / make noise every time the name of Haman is mentioned in the Megilah. Nevertheless, excessive noise and tumult should be discouraged since this often prevents people from hearing clearly.
17. In order to enhance the Mitzvah and make greater publicity of the miracle, both men and women should make every effort to attend a public reading in Shul. Even if one can organize a minyan at home, it is better to join the congregation.
18. If it is impossible for a person to attend Shul, he must hear the Megilah read at home from a Kosher Megilah.

6 – “Matanos Le’Evyonim” – Gifts to the Poor:

1. One must give one gift each to at least two poor people. The gift may be either money or food. The Mitzvah should be performed on Purim during the daytime. It is preferable to do it after the Megilah reading without delay.
2. One may give money to a charity collector before Purim if the charity collector will distribute the money to the poor people only on the day of Purim for the purpose of fulfilling this Mitzvah.
3. Each person should be given at least the amount of food that is eaten at a regular meal or the amount of money required to buy this. [approximately $25 per poor person]
4. It is recommended to give more than this minimum amount of money and amount of poor people. It is better to spend more on this Mitzvah than on the other Mitzvos of Purim.
5. A check may be given if it can be easily exchanged for cash.
6. “Ma’aser [charity] Money” may be used for any of these donations, except for the minimum two gifts [valued at $50.]
7. Women and children over bar/bat Mitzvah are also obligated in this Mitzvah. Although a married woman may rely on her husband to give on her behalf, nevertheless it is preferable for her to perform the Mitzvah personally. The same applies for the children. A practical solution would be to do the following: The husband could give some money to a poor person or charity collector stating that it is on behalf of his wife. The poor person / charity collector should have in mind to acquire the money on behalf of the woman, and she should know that the procedure is being used for her. The same applies for the adult children.
8. Children aged six or seven should be trained to perform this Mitzvah. The above methods can be used as well for them.

7 – “Mishloach Manos” – Sending Food:

1. On the day of Purim, one must send two items of food to at least on person. It is praiseworthy to send to many people, but see 6:4 above.
2. Preferably, one should send food that is ready to be eaten immediately
3. The two food items must be different. However, it is not necessary for the items to require two different blessings. Drinks are also suitable. One may send two different food items or two different drinks, or one food and one drink.
4. The food should be a respectable quantity according to the standards of the sender and recipient. Therefore, one should send a nicer package to a wealthy person than to a poor person, and a wealthy person should send a nicer package than a poor person.
5. One should send at least one nice package to one person and any additional packages may be ‘token’ packages. This is better than sending a large number of small ‘token’ packages.
6. One is not permitted to use his “Ma’aser [charity] money” for this Mitzvah. If a person wishes to send several packages to poor people he may use his “Ma’aser money” for all but the first package.
7. Women and children over Bar/Bat Mitzvah are obligated in this Mitzvah.
8. According to some opinions, a package may be sent on behalf of the entire family. That package should have two food items for every family member sending the package. According to another opinion, only a husband 4 and wife can send together, but children should send on their own. If children prepare their own packages from food in their parents’ home, they should be allowed to acquire the food before sending it.
9. Children aged six or seven should be trained to perform the Mitzvah.
10. It is praiseworthy to send packages to Jews who know little about Torah. This will arouse their interest in Jewish practices and increase love and friendship between Jews. In a similar vein, this is an ideal opportunity to repair broken relationships by sending packages to people with whom one has ill feeling.
11. One may not send a package to a mourner. If another family member is not in mourning, the package may be addressed to the family.
12. A mourner is obligated to send one package, but the package should not be too elaborate.
13. If a person receives a package, it is praiseworthy to reciprocate and send one in return, but it is not an obligation.
14. According to the prevalent custom, one may give the package personally. According to some opinions, it is preferable to send the package via a third person. One may use a child as a messenger, but must confirm that the package was delivered. A reliable delivery service may be used.
15. Anonymous packages should be avoided. The recipient should know who has sent them the package.

8 – “Seudas Purim” – Feasting & Rejoicing:

1. The main Mitzvah is to have a festive meal on the day of Purim. In addition, one should have a nicer meal than usual on the evening of Purim.
2. The table should be set nicely for the evening meal. Some have a custom to light candles.
3. There is a custom to eat seeds and pod foods such as rice, peas, and beans. It is not necessary to eat bread at this meal.
4. It is customary to eat “Hamantashen” with a filling made of poppy-seed.
5. The prevalent custom is to eat bread and beef at the daytime meal.
6. Some women have a custom to drink a little wine in honor of the day. It is not necessary for children to drink wine.
7. One should set a spiritual tone for this meal by doing the following:
• Spend a little time studying Torah before the meal. There is a special Mitzvah to begin studying the laws of Pesach on Purim.
• Have in mind that eating the meal is a Mitzvah.
• Relate the Purim miracles and sing praise to Hashem during the meal.
8. It is a Mitzvah for men to drink wine. According to some opinions there is an obligation to become dunk until he can no longer distinguish between ‘Cursed be Haman’ and ‘Blessed be Mordechai.’ According to other opinions, one is only requite to drink more than the usual, but not to the point of getting drunk. One should then go to sleep and thereby be unable to distinguish between ‘Cursed be Haman’ and ‘Blessed be Mordechai.’
9. The Sages certainly did not want people to make a fool of themselves and behave with frivolity and disgrace. The intention is to come closer to Hashem, using joy to reach great heights of love and praise for Hashem. A person who knows that intoxication will prevent him from making blessings or praying properly, or will lead him to light-headedness, should follow the second opinion. Everything that one does should be purely for the sake of Heaven.
10. It is preferable to fulfill this Mitzvah by drinking wine only. A person who wishes may have other alcoholic drinks after some wine.
11. The main obligation is to drink during the festive meal. If a person wishes to fulfill the Mitzvah by sleeping, he should drink a little wine during the meal and go to sleep after Birchas Hamazon. Sufficient time should be left to sleep before nightfall.
12. One should refrain from drinking too much if alcoholic drinks are harmful to him.
13. It is customary to wear costumes and masks on Purim.
14. One should refrain from dressing in costumes of the opposite gender. The same applies for children.
15. If a person insulted someone while intoxicated, he is required to ask for forgiveness.
16. Although it is customary to have Purim ‘shtik’ [plays, skits, songs, etc.] – it is forbidden to insult or embarrass people even in jest.

Posted 2/27/2015 12:04 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog

Blog Image: Sefer-Open.JPG
The Toronto Cheder Dinner - Journal Ad Deadline February 17
Be a part of our future!
Dinner on March 2, 2015 at Beth Avraham Yosef of Toronto
guest speaker: Rabbi Henoch Plotnik, shita, Rab of congragation Bais Tefillah and Vaad Shiur at Yeshivas Me'or HaTorah of Chicago

Hoourig Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Sternheim - Keter Torah Award
Dr and Mrs Yisroel Ingber - Parents of the Year
Mr and Mrs Mordechai Zolty - Oskim Btorchei Tzibur Award

Contact us to include your ad in the journal.

416-636-2987 x238

Posted 2/13/2015 12:41 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (1)

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New Thornhill Clothing Gemach
B"H New! Thornhill Clothing Gemach is open. Adult's and children's clothes and accessories. By appointment please call. Clothing and accessories donations accepted. (416) 939-0114

Posted 2/13/2015 12:13 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

Blog Image: agudah11[1].jpg
Agudas Yisroel Kinus Asara B'Teves January 1st 9:15-4:15 PHONE IN
Kinus Asara B'Teves
Listen to speakers throughout the day.
Phone in to the Commission on Torah Projects of Agudas Yisroel phone line
212-444-1323opotion #9 To listen live to the live speakers, speaking from Agudath Israel of Madison Zichron Chaim Tzvi

9:15 am Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, shlita, THE GREAT CITY
10:15 am Rabbi Zev Smith, shlita THE KEYS TO OLAM HABA
11:15 am Rabbi Kovid Goldwasser, shlita, OUR MISSION
12:15pm Rabbi Maimon Elbaz, shlita, KARBONOS - SACRIFICES OR PRIVILEGES?
1:20 pm Tehillim B;Tzibbur
2:15pm Rabbi Fischel Schachter, shlita, WHY ARE WE FASTING?
3:15 pm Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg, shlita GALUS THEN AND NOW

Posted 12/31/2014 10:52 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

Small Wonders- Night of Wonders- Dec. 8, 2014

Holt Renfrew invites you to
Shop big for Small Wonders
Dec 8, 2014 at 7:30pm
Celebrity stylist
Exclusive trunk shows
Makeup demos
Food by PR and Holt Renfrew cafe
Buy tickets online or by calling 416-742-0090 

Can't make the event but still want to support Small Wonders?
- Buy auction tickets online and get in on the fun!
- Shop with the fabulous stylist Marlo at Holt Renfrew anytime until Dec 8 and if you mention Small Wonders, they'll donate 10% of the sale to the cause.

Posted 12/2/2014 8:59 PM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

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4th Annual D. A. N. I. Gala & Community Celebration

Posted 1/24/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

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New Beish Hamedrash/College Program
IY’H there will be a learning program opening in the BAYT West Wing Library for college students. The morning and afternoon programs will be from 9:30 A.M. - 12:00 A.M. and 2:00P.M. - 4:30P.M. respectively. This wonderful program will be commencing IY’H on September 2, 2008 and led by Rabbi Mayer Zoberman.

For more details please call Rabbi Mayer Zoberman at 641-833-5001 between 2:00 and 3:30 or 6:30 and 8:00.

Posted 8/12/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

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Ladies Shiurim for the Nine Days

Check our community calendar for shiurim for Ladies held at Zichron Shneur every morning between August 4- August 7th, inclusive.  Two Shiurim every morning - one at 10 am and another at 11 am.  Check the calendar for speakers and topics.

Posted 7/31/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

Blog Image: BikkurCholim.JPG
Bikkur Cholim of Clanton Park
Bikkur Cholim of Clanton Park is planning a kick-off meeting this Sunday June 15 at 10:00 am in the Shul basement to match up volunteers with those in our community who would like to be visited. If you yourself can volunteer or are aware of people who would like to be visited please join us. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible. Men and women are encouraged to attend.

Posted 6/13/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

Blog Image: agudah11[1].jpg
TONIGHT: Special Address by Horav Aaron Feldman
In Light Of Klal Yisroels Current Situation:

text of Kol Koreh (proclamation) From The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

We are in the wake of a terrible destruction, Jewish blood spilled like water in the Holy Land, of precious sons of Zion who fell in sanctification of Hashem’s name in their Beis Medrash - nations have entered the estate of Hashem and turned Yerushalayim into heaps of rubble. And all that is besides the frightening danger to the nation of Hashem from enemies from without who threaten to obliterate it - may it never come to pass, and may Hashem have mercy.

And then there are other heartrending tragedies that have suddenly afflicted our community. We are all enveloped in mourning over the calamities borne by Jews in every land.

We therefore call and encourage the entire community to gird and strengthen itself in what the Jewish people relies upon, the pillars of the world: Torah, avodah and gemillus chasodim - and to gather in shuls and botei medrash to pour out prayers and pleas before our Father in Heaven, through recitation of Tehillim and the Yom Kippur Koton service on Thursday, 27 Adar II, may it arrive bringing blessings.

May our entreaties be pleasing to the Master of all, and may He listen to our cries, accept our prayers in mercy and quickly bring us the Redeemer without delay.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America
24 Adar II, 5768

Special Address

Horav Aaron Feldman, Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel and Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, will be delivering divrei hisorerus b’ inyana d’yoma on the eve of Yom Kippur Koton, this Wednesday evening, 27 Adar II 5768/April 2, 2008, at 8:45 PM.

The Rosh Hayeshiva’s address, which will take place at Agudath Israel of Baltimore, will be broadcast live nationwide by TCN - The Torah Conferencing Network. You can also hear Horav Feldman’s shiur by calling 718-705-5555, and punching in access code 2626 followed by the #.

Posted 4/2/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Praying with Fire.jpg
Praying with Fire Teleconference

Please join the Praying with Fire teleconference and hear inspiring ideas about how we can increase the power of prayer in our local communities!


This Tuesday, March 11 at 9:15 pm (that’s New York time-- it’s at 6:15 in LA, etc.)

Dial-in Number: (308) 344-6400 Access Code: 327091# (must dial pound sign)

* Special Guest Speaker: Rabbi Zev Cohen, Cong. Adas Yeshurun, Chicago.

* Feel free to pass this message on to anyone interested.

On the teleconference you will:

* Be inspired by a short lecture by Rabbi Kleinman on how our strengthened prayers can achieve miracles... bring riches... even hasten the arrival of the long awaited final Geulah.

* Hear Rabbi Zev Cohen describe how learning Praying With Fire "had a serious effect" on the way people davened in his shul-- and he’ll talk about what made this program successful.

* Join with people just like yourself from all over the USA and Canada want to help their shul or community strengthen their power of prayer *Learn about the many new free inspirational materials and tools available for your shul or community to help everyone grow in tefillah.

if possible, please let us know if you plan to join the call...Looking forward!

Mrs. S. First

V’Ani Tefillah Foundation

voice: 201-837-0354

fax: 201-837-7444

e-mail Key Tffila

Posted 3/11/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

Blog Image: BaruchDayanEmes.JPG
Communal Memorial Service for Mercaz Harav Kook Bochrim

There will be a communal memorial service this Sunday morning in memory of the victims of yesterday’s horrendous and brutal terror attack by our enemies in the holy Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav, Kiryat Moshe, Yerushalayim

Doron Mehereta z"l, 26, of Ashdod
Ro’i Rote z"l, 18, of Elkanah in Samaria (Shomron)
Yonadav Haim Hirschfeld z"l, 19, of Kokhav HaShachar (Shomron)
Yochai Lipshitz z"l, 18, of the Old City of Jerusalem
Yonatan Yitzchak Eldar z"l, 16, of Shilo (Shomron)
Neriah Cohen, 15 z"l, of Jerusalem
Segev Pniel Avichayil z"l, 15, of N’vei Daniel in Gush Etzion
Avraham David Moses z"l, 16, of Efrat, Gush Etzion

and in prayer for the speedy recovered of the injured, among them:

Naftali ben Gila from Sderot,

Yonatan ben Avital

Shimon ben Tirza

Nadav ben Hadas

 Reuven ben Naomi

 Elchanan ben Zehava.

at Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation (BAYT)
613 Clark Avenue West, Thornhill

Sunday March 9 at 9:30 AM

Tehillim will be recited, after which
Rav Sholom Gold of Yerushalayim will address the gathering.

The  event is co-sponsored by the
Vaad HaRabbanim of Toronto, Jewish Federation of Toronto, Mizrachi, Bnai Brith and  the OU

Posted 3/8/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Frum.jpg
Frumtoronto Received This From a Member of Our Community
Dear Friends,

Are you aware of the new garbage/recycling system that is currently being rolled out in Toronto? I’m sure that most of you have already been asked what size recycling bin you want. You have to make your selection by February 22nd or you will receive the default small bin. Even the largest bin available, will hardly be large enough to handle the recycling requirements of a typical frum family. The city will not pick up any recycling that is not placed in these bins so even our recycling will be severely limited. In the spring they are imposing even stricter quotas on our garbage. The maximum container available will only hold 4½ bags. Keep in mind that recycling and garbage are only picked up every second week. Will you be able to keep your garbage and recycling within these restrictive quotas? Chances are that you are already struggling with garbage pickup right now so complying with the new restrictions will be impossible. To make matters worse, our community is already severely overtaxed with realty taxes being raised twice this year. The general 3.75% increase on top of the ridiculously high reassessment that many of us have received add a huge burden to our already unmanageable tax burden. Now you will also have to pay more taxes because you will have to purchase this new 4½ bag trash can every year for around $200.

In short, you will now have to pay around $200 extra a year and you will still have no way to get rid of much of your garbage. This is what our city council and Mayor have done to our city.
I am very unhappy with this administration due to this garbage problem and many other problems. The city has become unsafe with much crime even in our neighbourhood. Snow removal has been very slow and many of the streets in our neighbourhood have not even been cleared. Buying new homes has become very expensive due to the new municipal land transfer tax imposed on us. Driving our cars will now cost $60 per car every year.
It seems that our Mayor’s agenda for this city will make it very expensive and difficult to raise a frum family in Toronto.

We must respectfully communicate our concerns to the city and its administration as well as the press in order to try to affect changes to this new legislation that will consider the needs of large families, our needs.

Please write and/or call the mayor, your councilor and the press so that our concerns can be brought to the attention of the city administration.

Included below is the contact information for the councilors in our neighbourhoods, the mayor and some prominent newspaper writers that are municipal critics. By forwarding our concerns en mass to all these people, maybe our voices will be heard.

  1. E-mail: mayor_miller at
    Mail: Toronto City Hall, 2nd Floor, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2
    Phone: 416-397-CITY (2489) Fax: 416-696-3687
  2. councillor_moscoe at
City Hall 100 Queen Street West, Suite B30 Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Phone: 416-392-4027 Fax: 416-392-4191
City Hall 100 Queen Street West, Suite B32 Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Phone: 416-392-4090 Fax: 416-392-4129
  1. councillor_stintz at
City Hall 100 Queen Street West, Suite B32 Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Phone: 416-392-4090 Fax: 416-392-4129
  1. Sue Ann Levy; sue-ann.levy at
  2. Lorrie Goldstien lorrie.goldstein at
    Please make the effort to send them a letter email or just call them to express your concern. If we don’t get them to exempt our families, we will be forced to hire private garbage contractors at great expense. What will you do for Yom Tov when you have even more to dispose of? We must speak up now or it will be very difficult for us to manage.

    Sincerely Concerned,
    Best Regards,


Posted 2/19/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)
See the international web site :> to understand which great event is happening. Then spread the information to as many organizations, communities and persons to let them know about it in order to be prepared. What important message can you transmit too ?

A unique world wide Jewish event is about to happen. As Jews are experiencing in Israel and many parts of the world a high level of anti-Semitism with many threats, with Chief Rabbi of France, Joseph Haim Sitruk, spiritual leaders of our people ask all the Jews to live and enjoy together one same day of unity and solidarity. As we can’t meet, yet, all together in the same place, we can express unity in the same time all over the world..

This is not just a “religious” event, but a “universal Jewish” event where everybody can do as much as he can. Every little effort will be beneficial for the whole Jewish people. In our organization team, many people don’t observe Shabbat. But they feel very involved in this world wide event to be united in a joyous holiday, Chanouka, celebrated by all Jews, even not religious at all, a period of rejoicing and hope. Every not observant Jew who has been asked about his participation answered: “Of course I will try to do my best for this Shabbat, to be linked with my people.” Some added “It’s a good idea, we prefer to be connected in joy than in distress”.

This call is unique in all of Jewish History. Millions of Jews hope to be delivered. Our sages promise: “If all the Jews observe one single Shabbat, they would be immediately delivered.” Let’s try and hope! There is a tremendous expectation over the world about this event.

Everybody who is in a position to help and spread the information will be blessed and will be able to say: “it is because of my participation that this great success has been possible”.
Time is running : we are D - 38... 

Posted 11/13/2007 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog

Avot Ubanim Program
Kollel Yismach Moshe in conjunction with Abir Yaakob is introducing once again the famous Avot Ubanim Program

We invite all fathers and sons to come and bond by learning Torah for 40 minutes followed by storytelling, songs, raffles with amazing prizes and snacks for everyone.

Sephardic Kehila Centre
7026 Bathurst St. ( In Medrash )

Every Motsae Shabat at 7:00p.m. For boys between the ages of 3 - 13

Learning, storytelling, songs, prizes, refreshments...AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Please do not forget to bring your own books to study.

If anyone would like to sponsor this program, please call Rabbi Zrihen or Shlomo Beldeb at (905) 669-7654

Posted 11/9/2007 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog

Avos Ubanim Program
The Motzei Shabbos Pirchei/Avos UBanim program will commence this week, Nov. 10, from 7:00 to 8:00. All boys are welcome to come and learn with their Avos/Dads/Abbas/Tatties.

Shomrai Shabbos - Chevrah Mishnayos Congregation.

Posted 11/9/2007 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog

Yarzeit of Rachel Imeinu Video Event

Join the Toronto video showing with shiurim by Rebbitzen Tehila Jaeger - entitled - "No Prayer is Unanswered: The Treasure Chest of Persistent Prayers." Monday, October 22, at 8:30pm, at BethJacob High School, 410 Lawrence Ave West. For Local info call:416-887-6521. Suggested minimum donation: $12 ladies; $10 students. For more information email Key Tffila

Posted 10/22/2007 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog

Veten Tal Umatar
This is just a friendly reminder to Jews outside of Eretz Yisrael that our daily prayers should include the request for rain, beginning with the Maariv service this Monday evening, December 4, 2006, corresponding to the evening of 14 Kislev, 5767. The phrase "Veten tal umatar livracha" - "Give us dew and rain for a blessing" is inserted into the 9th blessing of the weekday shemone esrei, from now until Pesach. The request for rain is begun in the Diaspora on the 60th day following the fall equinox, as calculated according to the approximation given by Shmuel in the Talmud. If you are interested in more information about this calculation, you may wish to follow the link below, to a fascinating article giving a (very brief) introduction to the Jewish calendar, followed by a detailed discussion on why the prayer for rain begins when it does. Thanks to SHOMRAI SHABBOS BULLETIN and Russell Levy for the link: [link=]first click on blue 'To read more click her' and then click here.[/link]

Posted 12/3/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog

We would like to inform you of a [red]new women's Torah learning program[/red] opening this October on the Internet. [red]Na'aleh - Online Torah School for Women[/red], [link=](click here for further information)[/link], is offering six Torah courses delivered from Israel as a live broadcast over the Internet on [blue]Sunday mornings and Tuesdays at lunchtime.[/blue] These courses will be taught by some of the most well-respected names in women's Torah education: [blue]Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, Mrs. Shira Smiles, Rabbi Avishai David, and Rabbi Hanoch Teller.[/blue] is offering a [red]free thirty day trial [/red]membership for it's inaugural semster, and significant discounts for students, Jewish educators, residents of Israel, and people with financial need.

Posted 10/12/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog

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