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# 4168 Roll Out the Welcomed Mat
Q. See question above. Can one use the LoMi Cooktop Mat, that is a piece of white cloth material made of silica clot and silicon dioxide. It is heat resistant from 1050°F to 2000°F. They advertise that “All our products are Kosher certified. Also our mats are Passover and blech products.” What is Horav Miller’s Psak?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that it can be used for Pesach also. Although it seems that the mat can be kashered by keeping it at a high temperature for the right time, one should not use the same Kosher Cooktop Mat during Pesach and the rest of the year.

See the COR Kosher certificate given by Horav Yaakov S. Felder Shlit’a with similar and more detailed instructions.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised By Horav Dovid Pam Shlit’a, Horav Aharon Miller Shlit’a and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/24/2023 12:09 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4167 Kashering it – Not Cracking it
Q. Dearest Rov amv”s. We are traveling out of town for Pesach and renting a house that has a glass top stove. How do we Kasher it and use it on Pesach?

A.On question 515 we wrote “Kosher certifying agencies agree that prior to koshering all parts of the stove, the top should be thoroughly cleaned including scraping residual food from the surface and catch-tray, and not used for 24 hours. They disagree, however as to the time that the electrical elements should be left on at maximum temperature. CRC maintains one hour while COR says they should be maintained at glowing hot for only ten minutes. Star K rules that it is enough for the elements to get glowing hot, which they advise takes only a few minutes. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is that they should stay at maximum heat for forty five minutes.

The area between the burners that does not get hot and can’t be koshered without risking cracking of the glass-ceramic. CRC advises the area should not be used at all. COR directs to cover the rest of the surface around and between the burners with material that will not easily tear. They caution not to cover the whole surface with a Pesach Blech (metal sheet) as the glass might crack.

Star K recommends that since the area between the burners cannot practically be kashered, it would be wise to place a trivet or stand on the open glass area so the pots can be transferred. Furthermore, in order to use a large pot that extends beyond the designated cooking area, one should place a metal disc approximately 1/8 of an inch thick onto the burner area in order to raise the Passover pots above the rest of the glass surface.

Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is to cover only the non-heated areas with heavy duty aluminum taped by the edges so it will stay put. See also question 1045
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised By Horav Dovid Pam Shlit’a,Horav Aharon Miller Shlit’a and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/22/2023 10:24 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4166 A Freilechen St. Patrick's day?
Q.  I attend a daily minyan, that as others do, offers an after Shacharit Kiddush with a drink and mezonot. The attendants before drinking a small cup of liquor, as tradition goes wish each other 'Lechaim', Mal Tov, or if it is aYohrzait, 'The Neshama should have an Aliya'.
On St. Patrick's day, most likely still deep in the Purim 'spirit' an usual attendant offers every year a green full bottle of Irish (kosher) liquor. and with a very comical smile, pours a drink to all and wishes a ' Freilechen, (happy) St. Patrick's day'. We all understand that it is only a humorous act, but is it permitted in a shul? I do not want to insult him by refusing the drink or the Lechaim. What is the proper thing to do?

A. Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador (for provincial government employees), and the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Argentina, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.

From the present day literature explaining the meaning of the day, it seems that in most or the many places mentioned it is not anymore a religious commemoration but a cultural and national identity day.

However, Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is, that since it still has a strong religious identity in Catholic communities and special services are offered on the day for many, to avoid insulting the fellow who brought the bottle in “good spirit”, one should answer warmly: “Lechaim to all the Tzadikim, Kedoishim and survivors from this and other similar “Holy days,” Lechaim Tovim Ulesholom.”

See also questions 3390 in regards to Thanksgiving Day, 3494 and others regarding wishing a New Year.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised By Horav Dovid Pam Shlit’a,Horav Aharon Miller Shlit’a and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/20/2023 10:54 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4165 A Brisk Bedika Beginning
Q. The Rabbi in our Shul (he learned in Brisk) has a tradition that the night before Pesach, after Maariv and before everyone goes home and does the search, repeats the Halachot Bedikat Chametz and that takes about fifteen minutes. Is that correct? Do we not have to begin the search a.s.a.p.?​

A. Horav Dovid Pam’s Shlit’a opinion is that it is correct since the time elapsed is short and revising what one has to do is most important.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 11:26 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4164 Have a Clean Touch
Q. If a blind person owns a dog that he constantly touches, does he have to wash his hands every time before he makes a Bracha?

A. From Talmud (Nazir 48a and Rambam – H. Tumas Ochlim 15: 9) is obvious that one who is prohibited to become Tameh, as a Cohen or a Nazir are, may touch animals that are not Kosher.

However, Shulchan Oruch Horav (90: 3) debates if one should wash his hands before reciting a blessing or Tefila. Yafeh Lalev (1: 24) insists that he has to, while Kaf Hachaim (4: 81) rules that when possible he should.
The blind should indeed be careful that on those times he should was his hands with a small portable plastic cleaning fluid dispenser.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 11:21 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4163 Searching for a Search Answer
Q. Dear Rabbi Shlit’a. We will be Be’H spending Pesach with our children in Israel. We will be travelling about two weeks before Yom Tov. We are also planning to sell our house on an early sell, the day before Erev Pesach, so we won’t have to clean the house and do Bedikas Chometz before we leave. As we have done in prior years, we are also planing not to sell one room so we can do Bedikas Chometz on that room before we travel, since Seforim mention that a Brocho comes to the house when yo do Bedikas Chometz.

In prior years, we felt some difficulty with the above, since if you sell the house how then do you enter your room? And we had to explicitly mention that restriction on the sale, making it complicated.

Is it then better to just not sell the shed we have, since it has it own access, and then do the Chometz search there? The only issue is that we never bring Chometz into that shed and usually the place does not even require Bedika. Should we store there just for keeping the mitzva some Chometz now before Pesach?

A. In principle sheds even when not used to keep any Chometz, depending on your location. also may be the place where squirrels and other garden rodents abode and store their food that likely could be Chometz. Besides, children may also play with their food there. So it should undergo Bedika anyway. It makes sense to use that separated place from the house for that important mitzva.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 11:20 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4162 Clean Intentions
Q. If always when cleaning the house from chametz before Pesach one already complies with the mitzva of ‘Tashbisu’ since this is a Biblical mitzva, in order to comply one has to have Kavana or intention to comply with the Mitzva. Is this correct? I don’t see people actually caring to recite a ‘Leshem Yichud’ before cleaning.

A. On question 3615 we addressed if one who eats chametz or drinks chametz during the thirty days before Pesach comply with the mitzva of Biur Chametz or destroying the chametz? If yes, should one have such Kavana (intention) in his mind to comply with a Biblical mitzva? It could make a difference in the keeping of hundreds or maybe even thousands of mitzvot.

To what we answered; “Poskim disagree. Rema (O.H. 485: 1) rules that if one burns the chametz on the night after the Bedika, one complies with the mitzva of destroying the chametz. Chok Yaakov (ibid.), Mishna Berura (5) quote Maharik that since on the fourteen of Nissan, no chometz will be extant, even if the destruction of it was done during the prior thirty days, one has kept the mitzva when that day arrives.

Horav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlit’a (Kovetz Halochos – Pesach 1: 4: n: 5) indeed writes that following the opinion of the Minchas Chinuch that the mitzva of Tashbisu or destroying the chametz is a positive command, one indeed complies with the mitzva whenever one eats chametz during those thirty days.

Horav Shlomo Miller's opinion is that it depends on the different Halacha opinions.”

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 11:17 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4160 Call it a Day
Q. Dear Rov, you quoted in question 4144 that ‘Shulchan Aruch and Poskim (O.H. 429: 1) mention that one should start learning Hilchos Pesach on Purim itself.’ I wonder if there is an obligation to learn from then on the Halachot of Pesach every day?

A. Horav Dovid Pam’s Shlit’a opinion is that following the common practice, people do learn the Halachos of Pesach during that time, but not necessarily on every single day.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 10:59 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4159 Don't Dump the Pump
Q. Can one use a ‘Foul Water Pump Controller’ during Shabbos? What is Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion?

A. As described by the company; “The flushing of a toilet or using water in places where the foul water is collected in a Sump Tank, often installed in basement and ground floor applications, results in the water lifting a float switch and activating the foul water pump.

This action is prohibited during Shabbat. ShabbatSmart Sump Pump controller, activates the pump on Shabbat at pre-set time intervals and, will stop the operation if the water level drops. This way, the user’s action does not trigger any prohibited actions on Shabbat”

The above pump system is certified as Kosher LeMehadrin by HoRav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman - Rov and Av Beis Din of Kehillas - Federation Beis Din, London.

Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is similar.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 10:57 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4158 Secluded from Seclusion
Q. I attended a Chupa from a Chatan of Sephardi background and after the Chupa there was Yichud (the seclusion of the groom and bride in a private room) as accustomed by Ashkenazim. Is it correct for Sephardim to do so?

A. B’mechokek Mishanosom (20: 4) quotes Horav Ben Zion Abba Shaul Zt’l, saying that although there are different opinions by the Sephardi Poskim regarding the issue, since the established tradition is that Sephardim don’t perform Yichud, one belonging to that community should also not be stringent and do it, since he would be putting down many prior centuries of marriages. (See also Yabia Omer E.H. 5; 8)

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 10:54 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4157 Women Never Forget?
Q. See question above. Do the same issues apply to women?

A. Kaf Hachaim (O.H. 157: 28), Chavas Da’as (Y.D. 72), Siach Hasodeh quoting HoRav Ch. Kanievsky Zt’L and others maintain that the issues mentioned by Talmud Horios (13b) that cause forgetfulness of Torah learning do not apply to women, since they are not part of the mitzva of learning Torah.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/16/2023 10:51 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4156 Don’t Forget Shaila
Q. I was traveling overnight by train and stayed in a private cabin. It was rather small and I kept my clothing in a corner of the bed. Is there a problem with sleeping in a bed were your clothing also is?
A. On question 3975 regarding laying one's head over the arms and falling asleep, when actually laying one's head over the sleeves, we wrote: Indeed the above is one of five actions that promote forgetfulness of Torah learning mentioned by Talmud Horios (13b), and is also mentioned by Mishna Berura (2: 2).
Sefer Zikaron maintains that sleeping over the clothes that one is wearing, is not related to the above, since those clothes are considered as part of himself and not as sleeping over “clothes.”
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is similar.
Mishna Berura (2: 2) mentions that if one places something that separates between his head and the piece of clothing it is possible that there is no concern of forgetting one’s learning.
It is evident from the above that there is no issue with leaving the clothes one was wearing on the corner of one’s bed.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/14/2023 4:14 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4155 Shovel Ready
Q. Dear Rav. On question 4150 dealing with the large snowfall on a recent Shabbat, that practically had many locked down and unable in some cases even to open the home door to go to shul. you wrote that “Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that in case of real need, as when you cannot enter or exit, one may shovel what is essential.”

I’m wondering if it is better to shovel with a ‘Shinui.’ Also if one is permitted to use the heavy plastic gloves utilized for holding on to hot pots in the kitchen, to remove show from the door and entrance?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that it indeed better to shovel with a “Shinui” or change, as when doing work on Shabbos in an unusual way like using the shovel with the lower part turned around and just pushing the snow to the sides, when possible.

The Rov Shlit’a also permitted using the usual large plastic kitchen gloves relying on the Sh’miras Shabbos Kehilchoso (16: note 110) quoting Rav S. Z. Auerbach Zt’l who rules that snow that fell on Shabbos is not Muktze.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/13/2023 4:54 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4154 Out of a Hat
Q. If one’s hat got totally covered with heavy snow, while taking a long walk on Shabbos. Can one continue walking where there is no Eruv or one does not carry?

A. Yalkut Yosef (302: 9) permits. Horav Shlomo Miller’’s Shlit’a opinion is similar.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/9/2023 10:45 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4153 Not Worth your Salt?
Q. Is it better to prepare for Shabbos use as was now greatly needed, wood shavings or straw, instead of spreading salt?

A. Poskim write that it is better if it will eventually be removed and not become part of the ground surface. Horav Shlomo Miller’’s Shlit’a opinion is similar.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/9/2023 10:44 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4152 Wildcard Blizard
Q. What can one do when there is no Eruv and to exit the house to go to shul some of the snow will end on the street?

A. On question 3576 regarding if one can one remove some snow on Shabbat from the front of his house to be able to go to shul if there is no Eruv, we wrote: “On question 2069 regarding if snow muktza in Shabbos and if one can shovel it to clear a path and be able to exit and enter one’s domain, we wrote: “Shulchan Aruch (338: 8) and Mishna Berura (ibid. 30) permit the use of rain water collected during Shabbos, as long as it is clean and fit to use. Most Poskim maintain that the same applies to snow (Mekor Chaim 320: 11, Eishel Avrohom (312), Shemiras Shabbos K’ (16: 44) and others.

However, Igros Moshe (O. H. 5: 22) maintains that snow is different and there is an inherent nolad prohibition on it. Tiltulei Shabbos quoting RS”Z Auerbach zt’l suggests that snow in our days should be considered muktza, since it does not have any use and should be like stones and dirt. Nevertheless. Poskim are lenient, since people play with it and shovel it too. (Piskei Teshuvos 338: n. 144).

Horav Shlomo Miller’’s Shlit’a opinion is that it is not muktza. Therefore, one is allowed to shovel a path during Shabbos when in need. The Rov added that when there is no Eruv, one can still shovel the snow just to the immediate close by area, but not when it is taken out from one domain to another or when it piles up over ten tefachim (1 m.) high.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/9/2023 10:42 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4151 Snow Alert
Q. See question above. Could one that heard the forecast of the incoming snow storm ask his non- Jewish usual snow remover, that does not usually come during Shabbat, to come and remove the snow?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that he can tell him before Shabbos and he should also do everything by hand and not use any machines.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/9/2023 10:41 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4150 No to Snow?
Q. During the large snowfall last Shabbat, the practically had us and many others locked down and unable in some cases even to open the home door to go to shul, was it permitted to use a shovel and remove the snow as needed?

On question 394 regarding shoveling snow on Shabbos, we wrote: “Sh’miras Shabbos Kehilchoso (16: note 110) quoting Rav S. Z. Auerbach Zt’l rules that snow that fell on Shabbos is not muktze (see Mishna Berura 338: 30). Igrois Moishe (O.H. 5: 22: 37) disagrees.

Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that in case of real need, as when you cannot enter or exit, you may shovel what is essential. The ground bellow should be paved or cemented and one should be permitted to carry in that area.
If possible, one should ask a Gentile to do the shoveling.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/9/2023 10:38 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4149 Special Delivery
Q. Someone went to deliver Shalach Monois on Purim and realized that his friends were not at home. He called them on their cell and they told him that they are out of town. He realized that he could not just leave the beautiful basket outside as it would likely be stolen, so he went home and had one of his guest make a Kinyan (acquisitive act, such as lifting) on the basket in the name of his travelling friends. Then he took a picture of the beautiful Shalach Monois and send it to his friends, telling them that as soon as they return he would deliver it.

Did he comply with the mitzva of Shalach Monois?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that he complies.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/9/2023 10:36 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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# 4148 Over the Top?
Q. See question above. Can one place a Magazine – Kuntress of Torah articles over a Gemara?

A. See Talmud Megila 27a and Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 282: 19. Orchos Rabenu (3: 162) quotes Chazon Ish that one may place Rishonim and Acharonim over a Gemara. However, Ginzei Hakodesh (ibid. n. 64) quotes opinions that Sefarim of Acharonim should not be placed over Rishonim. Zichron Yaakov testifies that Rav Yitzchok Elchonon zt’l was very careful on the above.

Horav Shlomo Miller’’s Shlit’a opinion is that Torah magazines and Kuntressim, that contain Torah articles in which some items could be inaccurate or incorrect, should indeed not be placed over the Talmud or similar Sefarim.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 3/9/2023 10:34 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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