Prayers for Gilad Shalit
Chief Rabbi Amar Publishes Call to Recite Psalms for Soldier's Release
15:09 Jun 27, '06 / 1 Tammuz 5766
(IsraelNN.com) In the wake of the ongoing captivity of IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit in the Palestinian Authority, Rishon LeZion and Israeli Chie ....
Posted 6/27/2006 12:00 AM |
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| Special Prayers
Worldwide, women in particular are saying tehillim. In addition,
remember to say the Tfilla of the Shelah HaKadosh -- the Parents Prayer
for Children. The Shelah Hakodosh explains that Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan
is an opportunity to daven for o ....
Posted 5/25/2006 12:00 AM |
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Worldwide Seder Night Effort to Unite Jews
Worldwide Seder Night Effort to Unite Jews with Shema Prayer On the Passover Seder night, Wednesday night, April 12, Jews worldwide will unite in saying the Shema prayer before beginning the Seder.
This effort to unite the Jewish people in sayin ....
Posted 4/10/2006 12:00 AM |
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Yarzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu
March 7, the 7th of Adar, is the yarzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, zy"a ( monday night thru Tuesday)
As Moshe Rabbeinu brought us the Torah, how fitting it would be to learn Torah, on his yarzeit, l'ilui nishmaso.
Posted 3/6/2006 12:00 AM |
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Special Tefillos
[link=http://www.frumtoronto.com/prayer/zivug tefilah.pdf target=_blank]click here to open the special Tefillah for Zivugim.[/link].
[link=http://www.frumtoronto.com/prayer/tefilah parnossah.pdf target=_blank]click here to open the Davening for ....
Posted 2/28/2006 12:00 AM |
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| Special Prayers
The month of Adar is one filled with Simcha. Let us help increase the Simcha of everyone by including some special Tefillos.
Please include in your Tehillim (said in gatherings or individually)the following ....
Posted 2/26/2006 12:00 AM |
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| Special Prayers
Segula for Parnossah -- this Tuesday, Feb. 7 - 9th of Shevat- week of Parshas Beshallach.
There is segulah for parnossah from Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, to say Parshas Ha'Mon twice with the Targum (sh'nayim mikra ve'echad Targum), on Tues ....
Posted 2/5/2006 12:00 AM |
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Special Yartzeits in Shvat
Shvat 2 (This Tuesday) -- "Reb Zushe" -- Rav Meshulam Zushe of Anapoli-- Brother of the Noam Elimelech also, Asher ben Yaakov Avinu
Shvat 4-- Baba Sali
Shvat 5 -- Sfas Emes (Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter of Ger)
Shvat 10 - the RASHASH ....
Posted 1/29/2006 12:00 AM |
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Rav Kaduri - ZT"L
We hear from Eretz Yisrael that Rav Kaduri, zt'l, was buried today on Har Hamenuchos. What a loss for klal yisrael, that this holy, great tzaddik is no longer in our midst. Our hearts are broken and we can only hope that this is the final kapara ....
Posted 1/28/2006 12:00 AM |
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| Special Prayers
HaRav Chaim Kanievsky's psak (Orchos Yosher, page 100) is quoted that the study of the laws of Tefillah takes precedence over the study of all other topics--for we daven three times daily (over 1,000 times a year). If we know the halachos of Tefilla ....
Posted 1/24/2006 12:00 AM |
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Asara B-Teves
The Network of Women's Tehillim Groups in Eretz Yisrael in cooperation with ANEINU will be encouraging women to make a special effort to get together and say extra tehillim, as we do on many fast days. In the times we are in this is all the more p ....
Posted 1/8/2006 12:00 AM |
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Yahrzeit of HaRav Meir Shapiro, ZT"L
[blue]Tuesday night and Wednesday, the 7th of Cheshvan[/blue], is the [red]yahrzeit of HaRav Meir Shapiro[/red], ZT’L, R’ Yehudah Meir b’R Yakov Shimson, who dedicated his life to passing the light of Torah on to future generations.
Those who hav ....
Posted 11/8/2005 12:00 AM |
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Praying for Something?
JOIN OTHERS WHO HAVE HAD THEIR PRAYERS ANSWERED. Our Rabbis tell us (Bava Kamma 92A) that "He who prays on behalf of a fellow friend with similar needs, Hashem answers him first." Kol Hamitpalel is an organization that matches people with similar nee ....
Posted 9/8/2005 12:00 AM |
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A special Prayer to be Said by the Women of Israel
15:20 Aug 12, '05 / 7 Av 5765
by AruzSheva
[blue][b]Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu [/b]has composed a special prayer for Jewish women around the world to [i][b]say prior to lighting Sabbath candles tonight[/b][/i]. According to Rabbi Eliyahu, every wom ....
Posted 8/12/2005 12:00 AM |
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