The Trait of Embarrassment
This parsha opens with the final day of the dedication ceremony of the
Tabernacle. Moshe tells Aharon to offer certain sacrifices. “And Moshe said
to Aharon: ‘Go close to the Alter and offer your sin offering and your burnt
offering, to atone for yourself and the people.” (Vayikra 9:7)
Why did Moshe have to tell Aharon to “go close”? Rashi quotes Chazal
that Aharon was embarrassed to approach the Alter. Moshe had to persuade him.
Moshe said: “Why be embarrassed? For this reason you were chosen.”
Why was Aharon embarrassed and what was Moshe’s persuasion?
The Nachalas Yaakov explains that Aharon was embarrassed because of his
participation in the Golden Calf. Moshe understood and responded that the
Almighty choose him to be the Cohen Gadol exactly for that reason.
The trait of embarrassment is a branch of humility. It is a most
praiseworthy character trait. It comes from realizing one’s faults and
limitations. It leads to many great character qualities, and guards a person
from many transgressions. It isn’t a debilitating personality weakness, but
rather an honest assessment of one’s limitations. It’s the opposite of chutzpa
and makes one beloved by all. The Almighty was looking specifically for someone
like Aharon who possessed the trait of embarrassment to be the Cohen Gadol.
Thank - you again Rabbi Beryl Glaser, and may your son Chaim Shmuel merit a
full recovery.
I presume you survived Pesach and are carefully counting the days of the
Omer. I too am counting the days... till Lag Be Omer, when my daughter Sara
gets married. The invitation is on the way. I hope you will join me in this
Simcha in Yerushalayim...Ye ru sha layim...
Have a great Shab bass, ( I grilled 3 grey mullet, come a get it
Rb Yossi Ponak