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Miracle of food versus Krias Yam Suf -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l
Parshas Tzav 5780


What is the pshat in the gemoro "koshin mezonosuv shel adam k'krias yam suf? A man’s parnoso is as difficult as krias yam suf?

Now actually it's not so, everybody makes a living more or less, but he couldn't make krias yam suf! And the answer is, koshin for Hakadosh Baruch Hu; Hakadosh Baruch Hu doesn't want to be meshaneh the teva. He made the laws of nature. Who passed the laws of nature? Hashem passed it and He doesn't want to break the laws of nature. Now, when food comes out of the earth, how did that happen? It's a nes! How could food come out of the earth?

Try to bend over and eat some sand or some earth, no nourishment! A watermelon comes out, wheat; everything comes out of the earth. How does it happen? It's nisei nissim. The nes of mezonos has no equal in all of the world. In all of Hashem’s wonderful things, the nes of mezonos is the biggest one, the biggest nes. Like it says, hodu Lashem ki tov ki l'oilam chasdo, l'oisei niflo'os gedolos..L'oisei hashomayim b'svuna ki l'oilam chasdo, a whole list. The bottom of the list says, nosein lechem l'chol bosor ki lolam chasdo, that's the climax the highest nes of all. More than l'goizer yam suf legzorim, more than lemolich amo bamidbor, more than anything else, nosein lechem l'chol bosor!

That's why we have to train ourselves to look at bread as a miracle. Ein zorkin es hapas, you can't throw a piece of bread. Let's say somebody says "Abba please give me a piece of bread", you can't throw it to them, you don't throw tefilin? You can't throw a piece of bread. Bread is a nes, it's a siman of a nes. Therefore mezonos is a tremendous nes; you have to think about that.

Krias yam suf is a very great nes, chamishim umasayim makos, that's nisim upon nisim, but all together even the greatest machmir which made the biggest cheshbonos of how many makos were at krias yam suf is far beneath the thousands of miracles that are included in the production of food from the earth. You should learn that, that's emunah chushis.

Good Shabbos To All

This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210

Posted 4/3/2020 12:47 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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