Lesson 1 - Recap Although there’s the opinion that it’s okay to repeat lashon hora spoken in the presence of 3 or more people, it is not widely accepted. However, even if this lenient opinion is accepted, there are many conditions that restrict its applicability. Lesson 2 - Qualifications for repeating information spoken about in front of 3 people A. Even if lashon hora was told in the presence of 3 people, it is forbidden to be spread purposefully. The lenient opinion only allows the information to be INCIDENTALLY repeated, without any intent to publicize it. (to be continued)
** Note - Some people have been getting this email for quite a long time and may find it boring or repetitive. Some have requested different daily lessons and I am starting a daily lesson that’s more hassidic in nature. If you would like to stop receiving the shmirat halashon emails, switch to the others, or join both, please let me know! Thank you for your continued learning - Ora