Q. I have seen elderly people or the ill, who go to bed early while it is still Shabbat, recite Havdalah on Sunday morning. Can they also then eat something more for breakfast and have intention for the seuda (meal) of Melave Malkah?
A. Shaarei Teshuva (O.H. 30: 1) writes that the Neshama Yiseira (extra holy soul) granted to us at the beginning of Shabbos, stays with us after Shabbos ends, only until chatzos or the midnight on Motzei Shabbos, so the seuda or meal celebrated to honor of the departure of that most elevated day should be observed until before midnight. Mishna Berura (ibid. 2) mentions that this should be eaten as soon as possible after the end of Shabbos.
Chashukei Chemed (Pesachim 102b) deliberates when one only gets the wine necessary for reciting Havdalah after midnight, if he should wait until after chatzos and eat then Melave Malka only after saying havdalah or follow the opinion of Shaarei Teshuva and not eat that seuda after midnight. However, Oisrei Lagefen (p. 551) maintains that if one has not fallen asleep yet, one can eat Melave Malka even after Chatzos. Beis Yisroel Hasholem (p. 200) mentions that the Kristirer Rebeh would celebrate Melave Malka until three hours after chatzos.
Zemiros Leshabbos (p. 183) quotes that the Divrei Chaim once told his grandson Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam, the first Bobover Rebbe, to follow the Rofshitzer Rebbe's minhag (also his grandson's forefather), who would not eat Melave Malka on Motzei Shabbos, because he just could not cope with the departure of the Shabbos Kodesh, so he rather ate that seuda after davening on Sunday.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is to follow the opinion of the Mishna Berura.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a