- Q. Chazal say, according to some opinions, that Avrohom had a daughter called "Bakol". Who was her mother?
A. Talmud (Baba Basra 16b) a mentions a number of interpretations to the posuk “And Hashem blessed Abraham with everything [bakkol]” (Bereshis 24:1).
Rabbi Meir says: The blessing is that he did not have a daughter. Rabbi Yehuda says: On the contrary, the blessing was that he had a daughter. Others say: Abraham had a daughter and her name was Bakkol. Rabbi Elazar HaModa’i says: Abraham our forefather was so knowledgeable in astrology [itztagninut] that all the kings of the East and the West would come early to his door due to his wisdom.
This is the blessing of bakkol, that he possessed knowledge that everybody needed. Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai says: A precious stone hung around the neck of Abraham our forefather; any sick person who looked at it would immediately be healed.
Sefer Hagimatrios from Rabbi Yehuda Hachasid (94) writes that Bakkol was the daughter of Avraham and Sarah. Therefore, correctly he complied with the since the Mitzva of Peru U'revu with Sarah Imenu Horav Yonasan Eibshutz Zt’l in Tiferes Yonasan (Vayeira 21: 4) mentions that when the Pasuk mentions that Avraham Avinu circumcised his son, it adds the word ‘es’. And whenever the Torah says את it means that a twin was born.