1) Ch. 32, v. 2: "K's'irim alei deshe v'chirvivim a'lei eisev" What is the inner message of the specification of "deshe" and "eisev," which in the main both just mean grass?
2) Ch. 32, v. 6: "Am novol v'lo chochom" A nation that is despicable and is not wise Targum Onkelos translates these words as, "amo d'kabilu oreiso v'lo chakimu," a nation that has received the Torah and is not wise. How is the receiving of the Torah indicated in the most pejorative expression "novol"?
3) Ch. 32, v. 19: "Va'yar Hashem vayin'otz mi'ka'as BONOV U'V'NOSOV" Why does the verse spell out "sons and daughters" and not just say "sons," which is inclusive of daughters?
4) Ch. 32, v. 24: "M'zei ro'ov" Our verse relates numerous sufferings. To what do they correspond?
5) Ch. 32, v. 30: "Ki Tzurom m'chorom vaShem hisgirom" Why is the word "hisgirom" used? What is the message of their being "locked up?"