1) Ch. 32, v. 9: "V'hoyoh hamacha'neh hanishor lifleitoh" – And the camp that will remain will escape – How was Yaakov assured of this?
2) Ch. 32, v. 14: "Va'yikach min habo v'yodo minchoh l'Eisov" – And he took that which came to his hand as an offering to his brother Eisov – The words “min habo v’yodo” require elucidation.
3) Ch. 32, v. 30: "Va'y'vo'rech oso" – And he blessed him – Who blessed whom?
4) Ch. 33, v. 15: "Atzigoh noh imcho min ho'om asher iti" – May I please place with you some of the group that is with me – This seems to be a brotherly gesture. What positive matter resulted from this for Eisov?
5) Ch. 34, v. 3: "B'Dinoh bas Yaakov" – In Dinoh the daughter of Yaakov – In verse 1 she is called bas Leah.