1) Ch. 37, v. 15: "Leimore mah t'va'keish" Saying what do you seek The word "leimore" seems superfluous.
2) Ch. 37, v. 20: "V'nahargeihu" And we shall kill him There is an astounding medrash that adds, "And we will shorten grace after meals." What is the intention of this medrash?
3) Ch. 38, v. 25: "L'mi hacho'se'mes" To whom does the signet ring belong Even if we could identify the owner of the ring, how do we know that it was not lent to another person who gave it as a surety for payment for her services?
4) Ch. 39, v. 6: "Ki im ha'lechem asher hu ocheil va'y'hi Yoseif y'fei to'ar vi'fei mar'eh" Except the bread that he eats and Yoseif was pleasing of form and of appearance What is the connection between these two thoughts? Although Rashi connects this with Yoseif's being in a position of authority, it seems to be better placed at the end of verse 4.
5) Ch. 39, v. 12: "Va'yaazove bigdo b'yodoh" And he left his garment in her hand The Ramban asks, "Why did Yoseif leave such incriminating evidence in her hand? He surely could have overpowered her. Rabbeinu Bachyei answers that he did not want to overpower his master's wife. Others say that he left the scene of her seduction as soon as possible. Given the maxim that when one does what is proper he does not lose out, beyond the spiritual considerations just mentioned, what benefit did Yoseif have from leaving over the garment in her hand?