1) Ch. 44, v. 20: "V'ochiv MEIS" - Earlier (42:13) they said "v'ho'echod EINENU." Why the change?
2) Ch. 45, v. 22: "U'l'Vinyomin nosan sholosh mei'os kesef" - The gemara Megilloh 16a explains why giving Binyomin five sets of clothing and his brothers only one each, did not kindle their jealousy, but what about the 300 "kesef" that only Binyomin received?
3) Ch. 45, v. 24: "Va'yomar a'leihem al tir'g'zu ba'do'rech" - Why didn't Yaakov give them the same advice before their descent to Egypt as Yoseif gave them now?
4) Ch. 46, v. 1: "LEi'lo'kei oviv Yitzchok" - Rashi quotes the M.R. 94:5 which says that we can derive from this that one has a greater responsibility to honour his father than his grandfather. What are the parameters of the greater and lesser responsibilities?
5) Ch. 47, v. 19: "Lomoh nomus …… gam admo'seinu" – Why shall we die …… also our land – How does land die?