1) Ch. 30, v. 23: "B'somim ROSH" – How shall we translate "rosh?"
2) Ch. 32, v. 6: "1) Va'yaalu olos, 2) Va'yagishu shlomim, 3) Va'yeishev ho'om le'echol v'shoso, 4) Va'yokumu l'tzacheik" – What human frailty is so poignantly shown in these words?
3) Ch. 32, 12: "Shuv meicharone a'pecho v'hino'cheim al horo'oh l'a'mecho" - Why do we add "Hashem Elokei Yisroel" to the beginning of these words in our Monday and Thursday "tachanun" prayers?
4) Ch. 32, v. 34: "U'v'yom pokdi u'fokadti" - The M.R. says that when Moshe heard this verse, he added to his defence of the bnei Yisroel, "Lomoh Hashem yeche'reh apcho." What is the connection?
5) Ch. 34, v. 27: "Ksov l'cho es hadvorim ho'ei'leh" - Rashi says that the words "es hadvorim ho'ei'leh," - specifically these words - and no more, are Hashem's response to Moshe's request to write not only the written Torah but to include the future verbal Torah as interpreted by our Sages as part and parcel of the written Torah. Why indeed was Hashem against having the verbal Torah written? For
the answers, click here.