1) Ch. 1, v. 1: "Vayikra" – And He called – Rashi (Medrash Tanchuma) says that this word indicates a calling of love. Rashi also says that we should not think that Hashem called to Moshe not only when relating more of the Torah, but also for informing him of leaving paragraph spacing, blank spaces. What important message can we derive from this?
2) Ch. 1, v. 9: "V'kirbo uchro'ov yirchatz" – And its innards and its legs you shall wash – We do not find this command by chatos, oshom, or shlomim. Why?
3) Ch. 1, v. 15: "Es rosho" – Its head – The mishnoh Z’vochim 64b explains that the requirement to separate the head of the bird from its body only applies to an "oloh" offering and not a "chatos" offering, where the verse says "lo yavdil" (verse 17). Why this difference?
4) Ch. 2, v. 10: "Kodesh kodoshim" – Holy of holies – Every "minchoh" offering has the exalted status of "kodshei kodoshim,' and a non-Kohein has no part in its consumption. Why is every “minchoh” given this status?
5) Ch. 5, v. 1: "Im lo yagid v'nosso avono" – If he will not testify then he will bear his sin – Rashi explains that this is a situation of a person asking his friend to come to his aid by testifying in his favour, for example his friend was witness to a loan that he gave and the recipient is denying that it ever took place.
The word LO in our verse is spelled in an unusual manner, Lamed-Vov-Alef, while almost everywhere else it is spelled without the letter Vov. Why?