1) Ch. 9, v. 7: "Krav el hamizbei'ach" - Rashi says that Aharon was embarrassed and afraid to come to the altar and officiate. Moshe responded, "Why are you embarrassed? 'L'KACH nivcharto,' - For THIS you were chosen." What is "for THIS?"
2) Ch. 10, v. 20: "Va'yishma Moshe va'yitav b'einov" - The M.R. 13:1 says that Moshe had an announcement proclaimed throughout the encampment that he was mistaken and his brother Aharon taught him the correct halacha. Why was it necessary to do this? Since the mistake took place among Moshe and Aharon and his sons would it not have been sufficient to state that he was mistaken to Aharon and his sons only?
3) Ch. 11, v. 7: "V'es hachazir" - Rabbeinu Bachyei says that the word chazir indicates a return, that the pig will become kosher in the future. If this is so, why does chazir become nullified if mixed into 60 or more equal volumes of permissible food? We have a rule that "dovor she'yeish lo matirin afilu b'elef lo botil."
4) Ch. 11, v.16: "Bas ha'yaanoh" - Why is the BAS mentioned?
5) Ch. 11, v. 42: "Kol ho'leich al goch*O*n” - Rashi says that this refers to a snake (Toras Kohanim 11:163) which is "ho'leich shoch v'no'feil al MAYOV." Why did Rashi wait with his explanation of "GOCHON" for here and not explain it earlier in Breishis 3:14 on the words "al G'CHONCHO seileich.' Also, why didn't Rashi use a more accurate word, "BITNO," which means belly, rather than "MAYOV," which literally means intestines and not belly?