1) Ch. 5, v. 6: "Ish o ishoh ki yaasu" – A man or a woman when they will do – Since the verse says "o," or, shouldn’t the verse have followed through with the singular "yaa'seh"?
2) Ch. 5, v. 8: "V'im ein lo'ish go'eil l'hoshiv ho'oshom eilov" - Rashi says, "When the thief who swore falsely relents and admits that he has sinned." What is Rashi pointing out that is not apparent in the verse itself?
3) Ch. 5, v. 15: "V'heivi es ishto el haKohein" – And he shall bring his wife to the Kohein – Rashi (gemara Brochos 63a) in verse 12 writes that the parsha of the suspect wife is placed after the parsha of giving the Kohanim their due tithing to teach us that if a person retains that which is due the Kohein, he will end up coming to the Kohein against his will, with his wayward wife in tow. What is the connection?
4) Ch. 5, v. 31: "V'nikoh ho'ish mei'ovone" – And the man shall be cleansed of sin – It is only the woman who is under suspicion, so of what sin is her husband cleansed?
5) Ch. 7, v. 48,54: "Ba'yom hashvii nosi livnei Efroyim, Ba'yom hashmini nosi livnei Menasheh" – On the seventh day the tribal head for Efrayim, On the eighth day the tribal head for Menasheh –The medrash relates that Hashem told Yoseif, "You did not commit adultery. I swear that in this merit your sons Efrayim and Menasheh will bring offerings one after the other." What is the connection?