1) Ch. 13, v. 22: "Va'yovo ad Chevron" And he came until Chevron Rashi explains that Ko'leiv actually came to the burial site of our Patriarchs and prayed there. If so, why does the verse only mention that he came to the city?
2) Ch. 13, v. 23: "Va'yich'r'su mishom z'moroh va'yiso'uhu vamote bishnoyim" And they cut from there a branch and they carried it with the stave by two people Why the change from "z'moroh" to "mote?"
3) Ch. 13, v. 32: "Va'yotziu dibas ho'oretz" And they expressed negative words about the land Hadn't they already spoken negatively earlier in verses 28 and 29? Why didn't they say the words of our verse in one go? Also, why did they wait to voice their strongest concerns until now?
4) Ch. 14, v. 8: "Im chofeitz bonu Hashem" If Hashem wants us There are numerous words that can be used to express that Hashem favours us, "rotzeh, oheiv, itonu," etc. Why is the word "chofeitz" used here?
5) Ch. 14, v. 9: "Ki lachmeinu heim" Because they are our bread Why were the inhabitants of the land called "bread?"