1) Ch. 32, v. 19: "L'av'd'cho l'Yaakov minchoh hee shluchoh ladoni l'Eisov" – To your servant TO Yaakov it is a present to my master to Eisov – Shouldn’t the verse have said "MEI'av'd'cho miYaakov"?
2) Ch. 32, v. 32: "V'hu tzo'lei'a al y'reicho" – And he is limping on his thigh – Wasn’t Yaakov already limping during the night, immediately after he was hit on his thigh?
3) Ch. 34, v. 3: "B'Dinoh bas Yaakov" – In Dinoh the daughter of Yaakov – In verse 1 she is called bas Leah.
4) Ch. 34, v. 25: "Va'y'hi va'yom hashlishi bi'h'yosom ko'avim" – And it was on the third day when they were aching – Why did Shimon and Levi carry out their plan specifically on the third day?
5) Ch. 34, v. 25: "Va'yovo'u al ho'ir betach va'yahargu kol zochor" – And they came upon the city assured – How could two youngsters, aged 14 and 13 years respectively feel so assured that they could kill all the males of the city and not be stopped? Even if they felt that the weakened males would offer no resistance, would the women of the community not offer resistance