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FRUMToronto Articles Chamishoh Mi Yodeia

Chamishoh Mi Yodeia – Five Questions and Answers

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Parshas Vaera
1) Ch. 6, v. 3: "Vo'eiro" – And I have appeared – Rashi has a two-word comment on this, "El ho'ovos," to the patriarchs. Commentators are hard-pressed to explain what light Rashi is shedding on the understanding of our verse. What do you have to offer?

2) Ch. 6, v. 14,15,16: "Bnei Reuvein, Uvnei Shimon, V'eileh shmos bnei Levi" – The children of Reuvein, And the children of Shimon, And these are the names of the children of Levi – Why by Reuvein and Shimon does the Torah just say "the children of," while by Levi "these are the NAMES" is added?

3) Ch. 6, v. 20: "Va'yikach Amrom es Yocheved …… va'tei'led lo es Aharon v'es Moshe" – And Amrom took Yocheved …… and she gave birth to him Aharon and Moshe – In Shmos 2:1 the marriage of a couple and the subsequent birth of Moshe is recorded, but the parents' names are not mentioned until this verse. Why?

4) Ch. 9, v. 2: "Ki im mo'ein atoh l'sha'lei'ach v'odcho machazik bom" – If you refuse to send and still hold onto them – What is added by "v'odcho machazik bom"? Why is this term not used by the warnings of any of the other plagues?

5) Ch. 9, v. 26: "Rak b'eretz Goshen asher shom bnei Yisroel lo hoyoh borod" – Only in Goshen where the bnei Yisroel were present there was no hail – If a ben Yisroel was outside Goshen would it hail upon him?

For the answers, click here!

Posted 1/7/2013 12:57 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

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