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FRUMToronto Articles Chamishoh Mi Yodeia

Chamishoh Mi Yodeia – Five Questions and Answers

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Parshas Beshalach
1) Ch. 14, v. 29: "Uvnei Yisroel holchu va'yaboshoh b'soch ha'yom" – And the bnei Yisroel walked on the dry land in the middle of the sea – Did any bnei Yisroel drown in Yam Suf?

2) Ch. 15, v. 2: "Zeh Keili v'anveihu" – This is my G-d and I will glorify Him – The gemara Shabbos 133b derives from these words that one should not do mitzvos "on the cheap," but rather, should beautify them. The halacha is that one should upgrade the quality of a mitzvoh up to a third more than the basic/available cost. Why is this concept placed in these words?

3) Ch. 15, v. 4: "Tubu" – They were sunk – Rashi says that the term "tvioh" is only applicable when discussing sinking into mud. Why do we say in our daily prayer, 'v'zeidim tibato vididim he'evarto,' since first the bnei Yisroel were guided through the Yam Suf and only afterwards were the Egyptians drowned?

4) Ch. 15, v. 25: "Shom som lo chok umishpot" – There He placed for him a statute and a law – Rashi says that some of the laws of Shabbos were given. If so, the words in the Pesach Hagodoh 'Ilu he'echilonu es hamon v'lo nosan lonu es haShabbos' are out of order, since we first received the laws of Shabbos.

5) Ch. 16, v. 25: "Ki Shabbos ha'yom" – Because it is Shabbos today – Rashi explains that they received no manna Shabbos morning and came back again in the evening, asking if they should look for manna. This is most puzzling. They never received manna at night, so why should they inquire about evening manna?

For the answers, click here

Posted 1/25/2013 1:34 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

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