1) Ch. 4, v. 24: "Laavode ulmasso" To serve and to bear a load "L'masso" is not mentioned earlier by the bnei K'hos, only "laavode." Why?
2) Ch. 4, v. 32: "Uvsheimos tif'k'du es klei mishme'res maso'om" And with names shall you appoint the safeguarding of the vessels of their load What exactly was the appointment "by name?"
3) Ch. 5, v. 4: "Va'yaasu chein bnei Yisroel va'y'shalchu osom el michutz lamacha'neh kein ossu bnei Yisroel" And the bnei Yisroel did so and they sent them away from the encampment thus did the bnei Yisroel do Why is the statement that the bnei Yisroel complied with the command to send defiled people out of the encampment repeated?
4) Ch. 7, v. 17: "Zeh korban Nach'shone ben Aminodov" This is the offering of Nach'shone the son of Aminodov The Sifri says that these words teach us that Nach'shone brought his offering from his own possessions, and not through collecting from his tribe. Why does the Sifri add on "and not through collecting from his tribe"? If it was from his own possessions, then it is obvious that it cannot be from others.
5) Ch. 7, v. 48,54: "Ba'yom hashvii nosi livnei Efroyim, Ba'yom hashmini nosi livnei Menasheh" On the seventh day the tribal head for Efrayim, On the eighth day the tribal head for Menasheh The medrash relates that Hashem told Yoseif, "You did not commit adultery. I swear that in this merit your sons Efrayim and Menasheh will bring offerings one after the other." What is the connection between these two?