1) Ch. 13, v. 2: "L'cho" – For you – Besides Rashi’s explanation that "l'cho" means "as per your decision," and Tosfos who say that it means "for your benefit," what other explanation do you have which is more than just an answer to why wasn’t this word left out, but also that is a key to understanding the wrongdoing of the spies?
2) Ch. 13, v. 24: "Lamokome hahu koro nachal Eshkol" – To that place he named Nachal Eshkol – The previous verse already called it Nachal Eshkol.
3) Ch. 14, v. 8: "Im chofeitz bonu Hashem" – If Hashem wants us – What is the difference between "chofeitz" and "choseik," as both basically mean "wants?"
4) Ch. 14, v. 21: "V'ulom chai oni" – But I remain alive – These words connote a vow (Rashi). What need is there for a vow here?
5) Ch. 15, v. 38: "Psil" – Twisted thread – Rashi says that the eight threads that we have in each corner of our four-cornered garments corresponds to the eight days the bnei Yisroel spent from the day of their exodus from Egypt until they sang their praise, "shiras ha'yom." We all know that it was only seven days.