1) Ch. 1, v. 2: "Kodeish Barnei'a" Rashi says that it was from this location that the spies were sent. This is clearly stated in Yehoshua 14:7, "Bishloach Moshe evved Hashem osi miKodeish Barnei'a l'ra'geil es ho'oretz." Wha other names does this location have?
2) Ch. 1, v. 23: "Vo'ekach mi'kem shneim ossor anoshim" And I took from you twelve men The cantillation for the word "shneim" is a "munach," a sort of comma. This is puzzling because the number twelve is obviously a unit. Why separate the two from the twelve?
3) Ch. 3, v. 9: "V'al tisgor bom milchomoh" And do not incite a war against them Is this an ongoing mitzvoh and included in the count of 613 mitzvos or not?
4) Ch. 3, v. 12: "LoReuveini v'laGadi" To the Reuveini and to the Gadi Compare this with "lachatzi sheivet haMenasheh," where we have the title "sheivet."
5) Ch. 3, v. 21: "YehOshua" This is the only place in the Torah that we find his name spelled out fully, with the letter Yud between the Hei and Shin. Why is it spelled differently here?