1) Ch. 1, v. 1: "Hashomayim" The Heavens Why plural?
2) Ch. 1, v. 11: "Eitz pri" A fruit tree Rashi writes that Hashem's intention was that the trees develop in such a manner that the taste of their fruit would be present in the wood of the tree itself. However, the earth did not produce such a result and the wood of the fruit trees does not taste like its fruit, save the esrog, which complied. When Odom was punished for partaking of the forbidden fruit the earth was likewise punished. Why did Hashem wait until then to punish the earth?
3) Ch. 1, v. 12: "V'eitz oseh pri" And a tree that produces fruit Which fruit producing tree cannot develop another tree from its seed?
4) Ch. 2, v. 15: "L'ovdoh ulshomroh" To work her and to guard her Since the antecedent of "her" is the "gan," there seems to be a gender conflict, as "gan" is male.
5) Ch. 6, v. 8: "V'Noach motzo chein b'einei Hashem" And Noach found favour in the eyes of Hashem The next verse, which is the first verse of parshas Noach, tells us that Noach was a righteous man. If so, why does Noach need special "chein," favour, to be saved?