1) Ch. 32, v. 5: "Im Lovon garti" I have sojourned with Lovon Rashi comments that "garti" has the numeric value of 613, "taryag," and Yaakov sent a covert message to Eisov. "Don't do war with me because I have the merit of keeping all 613 mitzvos of the Torah." Where in the Talmud do we have an incident that is similar to this message of Yaakov, that through the merit of the Torah he would be protected from an army coming to war against him?
2) Ch. 32, v. 7: "Bonu el ochicho el Eisov" We have come to your brother Eisov Why doesn't the verse say that they also did Yaakov's bidding, namely to relate Yaakov's message of verses 5 and 6?
3) Ch. 32, v. 9: "V'hoyoh hamacha'neh hanishor lifleitoh" And the camp that will remain will escape How was Yaakov assured of this?
4) Ch. 34, v. 30: "Va'yomer Yaakov el Shimon v'el Levi achartem osi" And Yaakov said to Shimon and Levi you have made me murky How can we explain Yaakov's complaint to Shimon and Levi not as a concern that they riled up the surrounding people to fight in response to their killing out Sh'chem, but as a complaint that they have shown that they are weak?
5) Ch. 35, v. 5: "Va'y'hi chitas Elokim al he'orim asher svivoseihem" And there was the fear of Elokim upon the cities surrounding them What brought on this fear?