1) Ch. 41, v. 1: "U'Pharoh choleim" And Paroh is dreaming Where is the indication in the dream that during the famine the distribution of the stored food would be administered by just one man?
2) Ch. 41, v. 1: "Choleim" Is dreaming Shouldn't the verse have said "cholam," he dreamt?
3) Ch. 41, v. 4: "Vatochalnoh haporos ro'ose hamar'eh v'dakose habosor eis sheva haporos" And the poor looking and emaciated cows ate the seven cows Verses 2 and 3 inform us that Paroh dreamt of 7 robust and 7 emaciated cows. Our verse begins by telling us that the poor looking and emaciated cows swallowed , without repeating their number, assuming that we would understand that it was 7 of the previous verse. Yet the verse goes on to say that they swallowed the SEVEN healthy looking and robust cows. Why repeat the number 7 by the healthy ones and not by the emaciated ones?
4) Ch. 41, v. 7: "V'hi'nei chalome" And behold a dream Why wasn't this said at the end of the cows dream as well, or at least say "chalomos" here? Why bother saying these words at all?
5) Ch. 41, v. 25: "Higid l'Pharoh" He related to Paroh Compare this with verse 28, where it says "heroh es Paroh."