1) Ch. 18, v. 1: "Va'yishma Yisro" And Yisro heard Rashi comments that he heard of the splitting of Yam Suf and the war with Amo'leik. He obviously heard much more, but these two events prompted him to come (verse 5). Why these two more than anything else?
2) Ch. 18, v. 16: "Ki yi'h'yeh lohem dovor ba eilai" When there is a matter of dispute between them he comes to me According to this literal translation of these words we have two disputants, "lohem," and yet, the verse ends in the singular, "ba."
3) Ch. 20, v. 2: "Onochi Hashem Elokecho asher hotzeisicho mei'eretz Mitzrayim" I am your G-d Who has taken you out of the land Egypt The medrash says that when Moshe heard this Command he responded with the blessing "shelo osani goy." How do we explain Moshe's response?
4) Ch. 20, v. 9: "Taavode v'ossiso kol m'lachtecho" You shall labour and do all your work What is "avodoh" and what is "m'lochoh?"
5) Ch. 20, v. 14: "Beis rei'echo , Eishes rei'echo" Your friend's house , Your friend's wife In Dvorim 5:18 we find the prohibition of lusting a friend's wife ahead of lusting his house.