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FRUMToronto Articles Chamishoh Mi Yodeia

Chamishoh Mi Yodeia – Five Questions and Answers

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Parshas Vayakhel
1) Ch. 35, v. 4: "Va'yomer Moshe el kol adas bnei Yisroel leimore zeh hadovor asher tzivoh Hashem leimore" – And Moshe said to the complete congregation of the bnei Yisroel thus saying: This is the matter that Hashem has commanded to say – The double "leimore" requires clarification. Rashi explains that second "leimore" as, "This is what Hashem commanded me to tell you." This is the case with every mitzvoh related prophecy, and we don't usually find a double "leimore." Rashi's words obviously require further clarification.

2) Ch. 35, v. 11: "Es haMishkon" – In this verse and the following verses the components of the Mishkon to be created are mentioned. There is a glaring omission, the creation of the "kruvim" on the "kaporres."

3) Ch. 35, v. 22: "Kol n'div lev" – Everyone with a generous heart – The gemara Shkolim notes that when material was donated for the creation of the golden calf the verse says that "kol ho'om" donated, and here by donating for the Mishkon the verse says "kol n'div lev." The gemara says that the bnei Yisroel are holy. When asked to give for the golden calf they gave and when asked to give for the Mishkon they also gave. If the gemara equates the two incidents of donations, why does the verse change its description of who actually donated, by the golden calf with "kol ho'om," while here with "kol n'div lev?"

4) Ch. 36, v. 6: "Va'yiko'lei ho'om mei'hovi" – And the nation stopped bringing – The word "va'yiko'lei" appears in Breishis 8:2 as well, "Va'yikolei ha'geshem min hashomayim." How can these two phrases be linked?

5) Ch. 36, v. 7: "V'hamlochoh hoysoh da'yom l'chol hamlochoh laasose osoh v'hoseir" – And the material was sufficient for all that was to be done to make it and extra – Was it sufficient or extra?

For the answers, click here!

Posted 2/20/2014 3:09 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

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