Monday is election day and this is a friendly reminder to please come out and vote. There are so many close races. A strong turnout by our community can make a big difference, with historical voter turnout between 36% and 51%!
Below is a list of candidates we are pleased to recommend, based on our meetings and research of the candidates and their positions.
John Tory (Mayor)
Mr. Tory is a credible, thoughtful person who deserves to be elected for all the right reasons, even leaving aside his strong support for our schools in the previous Provincial election.
James Pasternak (Councillor) Ward 10 (North of the 401 and south of Steeles)
James won the last election because of our community's support and he is a prime example of how having a friend on Council is beneficial. He has helped numerous schools, Synagogues, other Jewish institutions and many local residents over the last 4 years. He has become the "go to" person when municipal issues arise and he is extremely responsive. (416) 398-VOTE (8683)
Elana Metter - Councillor Ward 16 (North of Eglinton, South of 401, East of Bathurst)
Elana Metter is smart and energetic and will be a great advocate for our issues on Council. Her work with Karen Stintz has given her experience and she is ready to join James on Council to help advocate for our community. cell 416.545.7672
Chani Aryeh Bain - Councillor Ward 15 (North of Eglinton, South of 401, West of Bathurst)
We were remiss in not mentioning Chani Bain in our last e-mail. She has solid policies on transit and will be a strong advocate of our communal issues in this significantly Jewish ward.,, 647-340-2127
Tibor (Anshel) Martinek (Trustee, Toronto District School Board)
Tibor is in one of the more important battles in this election for our community. His major opponent, the incumbent, Howard Kaplan, simply does not share the same values with us. His previous actions with respect to Israel (eg. signing a petition against "the occupation" still up on a Canadian Palestinian website) are consistent with his recent statement to the Jewish Tribune that "'s unjust for a people to be occupied militarily by another people against their will." See for some of his shocking comments.
Please help defeat Howard Kaplan, who is backed by some of the public sector unions. We need to prevent Howar Kaplan from winning this race simply because his name sounds Jewish and his views are not well known. Please urge everyone to come out and vote for Tibor.; 416-402-5384
Ward 8 (North of Eglinton; south of the 401;)
Aaron Grinhaus (Toronto District School Board)
Aaron grew up in our community, lived and worked in Israel and wants to give our community a voice on the school board. He is an excellent candidate to do this and we are fully supportive of his efforts. If Tibor and Aaron are successful, they will make a formidable team on the TDSB and we could move forward on several fronts that were put on hiatus thanks to Howard Kaplan.,; 647-497-6872
The Last Day - Sunday Oct. 26 - How you Can Help?
All of the candidates can use help on the last day of the election. You can make phone calls, drop off leaflets and campaign literature and put up signs. The final push can sometimes make all the difference to a candidate, so if you can spare a couple of hours on Sunday, please contact any of the above candidates and they would be very grateful for any help you could provide.
Election Day - Monday Oct. 27
Beyond the obvious of coming out and making sure you vote and that your family and friends vote, you can also help out candidates by calling residents and urging them to vote. Any time you can give on election day will be a huge boost for any candidate!
We wish each of you a good Shabbos!
Aaron Blumenfeld and Ira Walfish
Ira Walfish, CPA, CA
T: +1 416 224 9929
F: +1 416 224 9099
300 Sheppard Ave. W., Ste. 100, Toronto ON M2N 1N5
Twitter - @pass_ufe