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8th night, zos chanuka -- to have children, parnassa, refuah sheleima
The 8th day of Chanukah is known as "Zos Chanukah" (in earlier times it was called "Chanukas Hamiz'beach") named for the Torah portion we read. The day is mesugal for one to daven for; barren women to have children, for a Refuah Sheleimah, and for one to be blessed with increased Parnassah.

On the 8th day of Chanukah some have the minhag to say Mizmor Lesodah (tehillim 100) and Nishmas Kol Chai at night after lighting; and to make a special seudah during the day. Some Sefardim have the minhag to make a seuda for the young schoolchildren and to say Shir Hashirim with them before beginning the seudah, and to say the possuk "Shuvu Shivru Lanu Me'at Oichel" 8 times.

Bnei Yissaschar Kislev 12, & 2:10, Pelah Yoetz L'zos Chanukah, Ma'aglei Tzedek 56, Minhagei Maharil 12, Halichos Yosef 684:3, S'U Siach Yizchok 349, Ateres Yeshuah L'zos Chanukah

{"Lehadlik" + "Zos Chanukah" b'gematria = "Refuah Shelaima"}

{"Mattisyahu" b'gematria = "Rosh Hashanah" which is also a time mesugal to daven for children}

Posted 12/8/2010 10:28 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (4)

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