The psalmist teaches, "It is better to refuge in Hashem than to rely on man. It is better to take refuge in Hashem than to rely on nobles (Psalm 118:8-9)." Why does the psalmist repeat the thought, first referring to ’man’ and then the ’nobles’? In our day, with its extraordinary technological and scientific advances, it is easy to believe that man is invincible, that man’s reach does not exceed his grasp. The psalmist cautions us that man is limited, that he cannot guarantee or ensure our safety. But Hashem, who is limitless and omnipotent, provides us with a safety net and grants us refuge. While people may doubt their own abilities, they invest the rich and the powerful with superhuman abilities. Again, the psalmist cautions us not to invest the nobles with more than their due; they are not gods worthy of our worship or adoration. Hashem, whose greatness and kindness are both extraordinary, is the only being worthy of our service, devotion and worship. We can take refuge in Him, knowing that He will protect and sustain us.