We may believe that there is neither judge nor justice when we see the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer, but the psalmist reminds us that there is indeed justice in the world. "For G-D is the judge- He lowers one and raises another. Indeed, in the hand of G-D there is a cup with foaming wine, full of poisonous mixture, and He pours from this. But all the wicked of the earth will drain and drink its dregs (Psalm 75:8-9)." Man’s success or failure is a function of G-D’s will. Hashem elevates and lowers according to His judgment. Furthermore, there is a cup of poison that He gives to the wicked in order to punish them. Jeremiah echoes this thought: "Take this wine cup of fury from My hand, and cause all the nations to whom I send you to drink it (25:15)." Hashem Himself will pour the poisonous wine, bringing calamity upon the wicked. While all of us must endure trials and tribulations, only the wicked shall drain the cup of calamity down to its last drop. The psalmist assures us that the wicked shall get their own, receiving their recompense in its full measure.