Akiva said, "'Love your friend as you love yourself' - is the primary
axiomatic principle of the Torah." This ideal implies that there should
be an equivalency between the love we have for others and the love we
have for ourselves. Meaning, just as we want the best for ourselves, we
should want the best for others.
we don't give with the complete love within our hearts, we are not
quite fulfilling the principle. Therefore, we should give our friends
everything in our capacity, without holding back any benefit that is
within our power to give. For instance, we should share with them our
wisdom, financial resources, time, and give them honor, etc.
Avinu was a master of loving others. Yet, if someone were to suggest to
us that we should wait outside our house and find guests to invite for
a meal, we would say, "I am not on that level." However, if we fully
accept the value system of the Torah, we will realize that there should
be no bars on our hearts.
ourselves in the kind ways of Avraham is the true and ultimate
pleasure. Meaning, when we open up all the chambers of love that reside
within our hearts, we will discover our true selves. The pursuit of
unbounded loving-kindness and good deeds will bring us true and lasting
joy. By reaching out to others and giving them our "all," we will
experience a taste of the Garden of Eden.
[Based on Da'as Torah of Rav Yerucham]
TODAY: Allow yourself the joy of being the Avraham Avinu within you.