We encourage all Jews to say the Shema twice a day for G-d's protection and unity at this time.
[red]Let us recite the Shema together on the night of Rosh Chodesh Av, Tuesday, July 25th at 9:00pm your local time:[/red]
[c][blue]Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad.
Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.[/blue][/c]
The Shema prayer is one of the 613 Commandments and our most basic, powerful declaration of our faith in One G-D!
When saying the Shema prayer, concentrate intensely upon accepting G-D’s absolute sovereignty For hopefully Hashem will see our unity and deliver us from this exile which was caused by senseless hatred.
As a consequence we will receive blessings.
This effort has the backing of Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel.
This Effort sponsored by the Shema Yisrael Now Project Committee, based in Skokie, Illinois.
The Shema Yisrael Now Project is dedicated to promoting awareness of the power of the Shema prayer
and the importance of reciting it twice a day, morning and evening.
[link=http://www.shemayisrael.co.il ]For more info on SHEMA click here[/link]
[link=http://www.skokiekollel.org/shema/]For further info on the Skokie Kollel click here[/link]