Asoro B’Teves General Halachos Reprinted from Kollel Toronto
If someone is unwell or elderly and fasting can be detrimental to their health (even slightly), they should not fast.
Women who are pregnant or nursing do not need to fast.
Those who are not fasting for any of the above reasons may eat right away in the morning and do not need to fast until Chatzos.
Those who will not be fasting, should only eat what they need. They should not eat cake, chocolate etc. and should not eat in public (go to restaurants, coffee shops etc..).
Those who are very uncomfortable may brush their teeth without water or use mouthwash.
One may eat in the morning before Alos Hashachar if they had in mind to do so before going to sleep.
One may drink before Alos Hashachar even if they did not have in mind to do so before going to sleep.
In Toronto you may eat till 6:18 am according to Rabbi Miller Shlita (some hold till 6:37 am [72 min before sunrise]).
During Shachris, the Tzibbur does not add anything in Shemona Esrei (The Chazzan adds Aneinu).
After Chazaras HaShatz, we say Selichos followed by Avinu Malkeinu and Tachnun. Someone davening without a Minyan should say Selichos and Avinu Malkeinu. In Selichos they should omit Keil Melech Yoshev and the Yud Gimmel Middos.
Women davening Shachris should try to say Avinu Malkeinu.
Chatzos (Midday) in Toronto is 12:26 PM
One may daven Mincha half an hour after Chatzos.
We add three additions in Shemona Esrei.
1. We say Aneinu in Shema Koleinu. If one forgets to say it and has not yet said Hashem of Boruch Atoh Hashem, they should go back and say it. If one has already said Boruch Atoh Hashem, they should not go back and do not need to repeat Shemonah Esrei.
2. We say Sim Sholom instead of Sholom Rov. If one begins to say Sholom Rov and remembers before Boruch Ata Hashem, they should go back and say Sim Sholom. If one only remembers after having said Boruch Atoh Hashem, they should not go back and do not need to repeat Shemonah Esrei.
3. At the end of Alokai Nitzor, right before Yihyu L’rozon, one should insert the Ribono Shel Olam tefillah printed in the Siddur at the bottom of the page. If one forgets to say it, they do not repeat Shemonah Esrei.
We do not say Avinu Malkeinu and Tachnun
Asoro B’Teves on Friday:
One may do all of their Shabbos preparations as usual; they may have a shower/bath as they usually do for Shabbos.
One may have a haircut or shave.
One may taste the Shabbos food if they always do (to see if it is missing salt etc.); One should only taste a small amount (less than a K’zayis) and spit it out.
Some people daven Mincha early. The reason for this is because they don’t want to daven the Mincha of a Ta’anis in Shabbos clothes and also because they want to distance the T’filos of a fast day (a day of mourning) from Shabbos. Also, being that Mincha is longer, it is more practical to daven earlier in the day.
Some daven Mincha as usual (immediately before Kabbolas Shabbos). They simply start earlier because of Leining. Even if your Minhag usually is to daven Mincha after Shkiya, this Friday since we lein and say Aneinu in Shmoneh Esrah you should make sure to daven before Shkiya.
One must wait for Kiddush before breaking the fast. One may not even drink water before Kiddush.
Some make Kiddush right away and sing Sholom Aleichem and Eshes Chayil during the meal.