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Understanding the Holocaust -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #375
Parshas Tazria - Metzora 5777


What should one tell someone, why Hashem allowed Hitler to kill so many Gedolim?

What should you tell yourself you mean!

And the answer is, why did Hashem allow Hitler to kill not Gedolim, why did He allow him to kill ketanim? You have to understand that.

And the answer is, because even though I'm not capable, I'm not worthy of telling why Hashem did things, but following certain rules that our sages told us...There's a rule, that there were once two tzaddikim and they both died young, and the Gemara says why did they die young? It was like two ripe figs that had to be taken off the tree when they were ripe, because if you wouldn't take them off, they would rot on the tree.

These tzaddikim were taken out of the world before they spoiled. Yomus zakai v'al yomus chayav, better to die innocent than to die guilty.

We have to know the generation in Europe was rolling downhill. I was there. I left in 1938, that's the year that Hitler marched into Sudetenland, and they were rolling downhill all over Europe; nobody should tell you any differently. They were deteriorating rapidly.

In the small towns there were movies already, there was dancing - I myself saw men and women dancing together in a little town that if you didn't watch while you were walking on the road, you passed through without knowing you passed through the town; that's how small the town was. All the wicked ways of the outside world had come in already, and there were atheists everywhere.

You have to know, in the small towns all the stores were closed on Shabbos, because that was an old custom they couldn't break easily. But already after World War 1, there was one store that was open, the barber shop was open on Shabbos. You know what that means in the small towns? It was unthinkable once, and everybody was going out to the barber shop, the youth gathered in the barber shop, and outside the city there was a hachshara, and later in the night, Friday night, the whole youth was there. They were singing artzo alinu, we're going to a new land, and we're having new ways, a different culture, we're going to build a socialistic government, a commune, and everything now was changing.

Now suppose they had been allowed to exist, you know what would have happened? You wouldn't have any Judaism left in Europe.

So Hakadosh Baruch Hu rescued them, he took them out of the world before they had an opportunity to deteriorate entirely. And in Gan Eden - they went to Gan Eden after being in Hitler's Gehinnom - they were successful, because we don't live for this world alone. The greatest misfortune is to live in the world even happily, but to deteriorate and become a porek ol, and to forget yiddishkeit, and to mingle among the goyim, that's the greatest disaster that could be! And Hakadosh Baruch Hu rescued them.

Now you have to know that you have a lot of propaganda to the opposite of what I'm telling you, and I'm able to defend this and explain it with statistics, someday I'll write a book about it, (the book is already written) I'll publish it someday bli neder, and it explains many facts that were known to people who were there.

It's open knowledge that the generation was being ruined and they were falling down every day to a lower and lower madreiga.

Good Shabbos To All

Question #274

What's the purpose why lately there's been a revulsion against the Holocaust, and there are plenty of reshoim today who are denying it?

We have to know that a great error is being committed all the time by the Holocaust people. They leave out one element that's the most important of everything, and that is: Hashem.

Hashem made the Holocaust, not the Germans; and don't deceive yourself. Of course the Germans are reshoim gemurim and they deserve to bedestroyed in many millions, and it should be la'asos nekomo ba'goyim to'cheichos ba'leumim, there should be a nekomo on them, and yet theemphasis should be, Hakadosh Baruch Hu did that to us.

Now by constantly talking about what the goyim did and never once mentioning that Hashem had anything to do with it, a fundamental error is being committed, and now Hashem is going to show you. You think that you are going to arouse the rachamim of the goyim to have more pity, I'm going to show you it'll have the opposite effect.

Goyim are going to learn from this ways and means what they would like to do to the Jews themselves. Yes!! They look at all these things and although they might say some words of sympathy, but in their minds they're thinking, "We'd like to do that ourselves someday," because we left out the ikar.

The most important part of the whole Holocaust business was only made for the purpose so we should cry out to Hashem, that's all it was made for! If that's omitted, then the whole thing will backfire.

This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210

Posted 4/28/2017 6:07 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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