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Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Applying Mizmor Shir in our daily lives -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #402
Parshas Vayishlach 5778


How can we apply the Mizmor Shir to our own experiences in our own lives?

And you have to know that this question demonstrates the necessity of this lesson. The fact that you are able to come here, is enough reason why you should say a Mizmor Shir.

Can’t you recall people of your own age who are not able to come here? Who will never able to come anywhere? On every level of our lives - boys, young men, middle age - some people have been left behind. Death always claims victims at every age level, and you survived. So you could sayl’Dovid Hashem heolisa misheol nafshi, You took my life out of the grave.

So what’s your job from now on? This is the job: you have to apply yourself to the great career of Hashem Elokei l’oilam odeka. If you want a concrete method, every time you walk in to a synagogue, or you walk into a yeshiva - you think a yeshiva is a place where you learn gemara… sure it is! But first and foremost, the yeshiva is a place to thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for what He did for you, that you are alive.

Gemara is nothing but a song, it’s a song of gratitude to Hashem. Mizmor shir, it’s a song. Zemiros huyou li chukecha, your laws are songs of gratitude, that’s how to understand a Yeshiva. Don’t get lost in the details! Rav Simcha Zisel said, learn to be mafshit es hatzura, learn to take off the externalities and see the heart of the thing.

You come into a shul. Well a shul is to daven, you have to put on a tallis and tefillin, you have to say things… And so remember first and foremost, you know what a shul is for! Hashem I thank You. In case you don’t know the meaning of the words, or if you do know the meaning, it’s saying over and over again in many variations, I thank you Hashem. Modeh ani l’fanecha, that you gave me life today, and You gave me all the wherewithals of life.

Therefore it’s not difficult for us to find reasons why we should follow the same system as Dovid.

Good Shabbos To All

לעילוי נשמת אבי מורי זאב בן אברהם יהודה

This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210

Posted 12/1/2017 1:38 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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