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Devrei Torah relating to the weekly Parsha.

Blog Image: FishRabbi.JPG
A Knife for a Mother
In one of the camps, the Bluzhever Rebbe was assigned to saw wood in an open field.  As he wielded his saw, he witnessed one of the most barbaric scenes in the five years  he had endured.  An order had gone out that all women with infants less than four weeks of age were to he rounded up.  The boxcars had pulled into the concentration camp and were disgorging their pitiful cargo  of sick, starved , and weakened mothers who had but recently given birth, clutching their tiny, crying, hungry babies.  One monther began to scream.  "A messer ! A knife ! Give me a knife !  The Rebbe dropped his saw and ran to her.

"Don’t even think of such a thing ! No matter how terrible  the suffering, you dare not kill yourself.  We must have faith in the mercy of the Ribbono shel olam.  We must try to live.  this suffering will not ---- "

He didn’t finish.  An SS guard sent him sprawling with a savage blow to the back of the head and another to the face.

" Dog ! Traitor ! What were you plotting with her ?  Tell me the truth or I’ll kill you !"

"I encourage no plots.  The  woman wanted a knife to kill herself .  I told her our religion does not permit us to kill ourselves.  We must try to remain healthy to do our work."

The guard went to the woman, still holding her tiny infant.  "What did he tell you ? " he demanded

"He said I should not kill myself.  That I must try to live."

"Why did he think  you wanted to kill yourself ? "

"Because I asked for a knife. "

The guard laughed.  He pulled a knife from his coat and handed it to her.  Then he stepped back to enjoy the sight of the cowardly Jewish woman murdering her baby and then killing herself.

Gently she put the child down on the ground and undid his clothes.She looked up at the sky and said, "Sweet father, you gave me a pure Jewish child.  Now he is eight days , and we are being taken to die.  I return him to You as a pure and holy Jew."

She then recited the berachah "Blessed are You, Hashem our G-d , King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and has comanded us concerning circumcision." And  she took the Nazi knife and circumcised her child. 
This is a story I took from a book " The Indomitable Jewish Spirit"  and it speaks for itself.  This weeks Parsha ends with the commandment for all Jewish men to have a Bris Milah at the age of eight days. It is the first Mitzvah, in the Mitzvah of educating one’s son (Chinuch) that the father has for his new born son. 
Another first Mitzvah  was given to us in this weeks Parsha. What is the first Mitzvah that Hashem gave the first Jew ?  He said to Avraham "Lech Lecha"  - translated as, go to yourself.  Hashem told Avraham,become what you are meant to become, fullfill yourself.  And where might that be ?  In Eretz Yisroel.  The first Mitzvah that the first Jew was commanded to do and he did, was the Mitzvah of Aliyah.  And the words Lech Lecha " go to yourself" implies to become yourself, it needs to be in Israel for this is where you are able to really reach your true potential. This Mitzvah applies at all times (the author)
Shabbat Shalom
Rb Yossi

Posted 11/7/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (2)

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