The ferry overturned about 4 a.m. Sunday off the coast of Majena in west
Sulawesi after being pummeled by waves as high as 19 feet, said survivors.
Wednesday Fire fighters are attempting to control the fire while chemicals
explode at the Agan Chemicals factory in Ashdod’s industrial area. Out of
concern for chemical pollution, residents of the area are requested to remain in
their homes and to seal their windows and doorways.
Five people were treated for shock as a result of a rocket attack on Ashdod
around 8:50 p.m. Wednesday.
So my son didn’t need much of an excuse to get out of Ashdod again for
Shabbas ( And hopefully stay with us until the war is over) And so the birthday
of his brother Eliazer who turns 16, was enough to convince them to come to
Metzad, so to speak ! They arrive ,in a couple of hours, b.H. -
Erev Shabbas : Parshas Shmot,
I heard a word this week that I would like to share with you. It goes
like this. Why were the sons of Yacov mentioned together with him in the
Passage."These are the names of the children of Yisroel who came into Mitzrayim
with Yacov..." Were these 12 sons equal to their father ? As if they were on
the same level !!! What wonderful common denominator did the sons have to be
equated Yacov Avenu. The third leg in the Marchava.
The answer comes from a Midrash Raba on the Parsha, who learns that the
fact that Hashem puts them together in the Pasuk is coming to teach us a
lesson. The lesson is, that ALL of Yacov’s sons were Tzadikkim. Avraham had
Ishmael, and Yitzchak had Esav. The Eitz Yosef learns that Yacov worked very
hard with his sons to get them straight, to place the image of their father,
himself in them. Yacov affected each one of his 12 sons individually and
collectively. This seems to indicate that the greatness of the sons of Yacov,
was their ability to emulate their father. They tried to mirror his good
traits, and they were successful to the degree that they became along with Yacov
the prototypes for the Jewish Nation that they were to give seed to. A proof for
this is the fact that their slavery only started after all 70 children and
grandchildren who came into Egypt with Yacov had died. So whats the lesson ???
- The secret of Jewish longevity ?The emphasis on the family. Be a great father
like Yacov Avenu, spend time with your children and teach them well, and be a
great son and mirror your father like the 12 sons of Yacov Avenu.
Goot Shab-bass
Rb Yossi
And as an after thought someone mentioned to me that - Perhaps that's the
real reason why so many children including my own son, are coming home this week
for Shabbas.