What should be a person's thoughts when he suffers chalila some pain?
Pay attention. Pain is sent for a purpose, and the purpose is, to ask Hakadosh Baruch Hu for help. If people ask Hakadosh Baruch Hu for help when they're well, then they are going to save themselves many times from other forms that are stimuli to ask Hashem for help. If you cry out in happiness, Hashem is satisfied, as long as you cry out to Me in happiness. But not to cry at all, I might give you reason to cry out, because we're in this world mostly to be aware of Hashem. We have two choices how to become aware of Hashem, we can become aware of Hashem because of the good things He's giving you, or become aware through distress.
Therefore, if a person chooses to thank Hashem and to sing to Him all the time for this and this and this, Hashem says, good enough! I don't have to send any trouble. But if a person ignores Hashem, and only when he's in trouble, then Hashem says it pays to give you trouble, because to gain the benefit of thinking about Me is for you the biggest benefit.
When you will come to the next world, you will say Hashem I thank you for causing me that pain, because it made me think about you when I called out to your name.
Calling out the name of Hashem is a tremendous achievement. So call out the name of Hashem while you're well, and then you won't have to call out for other things.
Good Shabbos To All
This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
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