Why should someone drink water in the morning before his meal?
Sixty years ago I was walking in Slabodka from the yeshiva to the dining room, and there was an older bachur in the yeshiva. I told him that I was constipated; he told me to drink every morning before davening a glass of water, and since then I did it every day, all sixty years, except Yom Kippur of course and taaneisim. Only instead of one glass I drank two glasses every day.
Let me explain something to you. The body needs lubrication, and one of the most important elements in regular bowel elimination is enough liquid in the body; and I cannot overemphasize that necessity. And even though it's not ruchnius, but this is important gashmius, and it's a chesed for people to know .
The older you get, the more your body needs liquids, and you should drink more and more as you age. You hit sixty or seventy? You should drink at least six big glasses of water every day. You need it for your eyes-your eyes are lubricated with liquids, you need it for your blood-your blood is liquid, you need it for your digestion-the food has to go down mixed with liquids. You need it for your joints-it helps lubricate the joints; every part of your body needs water.
Therefore when people understand that great gift that Hakadosh Baruch Hu gives in the form of water, they'll thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for life. Water is actually life itself.
Good Shabbos This email is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
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