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Blog Image: beware.jpg
FLIKRFIRE Tabletop Fireplaces may pose a flame jetting and fire hazard
Health Canada warns that FLIKRFIRE Tabletop Fireplaces may pose a flame jetting and fire hazard (new)
Product: FLIKRFIRE Tabletop Fireplaces
Issue: Fire hazard
Audience: General public

Health Canada has determined that alcohol-fueled FLIKRFIRE Tabletop Fireplaces can cause uncontrollable pool fires in which flames burn across the surface of pooled or spilled alcohol, as well as flame jetting from fuel containers, resulting in serious or fatal burns.

FLIKRFIRE Tabletop Fireplaces are small, decorative bowls or open containers that require consumers to pour isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol into the bowl and then ignite the pooled alcohol in the same location it was poured.

Isopropyl alcohol burns with flame temperatures over 1,600°F and can cause third degree burns in less than one second. Igniting pooled alcohol in the FLIKRFIRE bowl creates an uncontrollable pool fire, which can suddenly produce larger, hotter flames that can spread beyond the product.

Flame jetting can occur when refilling fuel in a FLIKRFIRE tabletop fireplace if any flame or hot surface is present. A flame in a FLIKRFIRE tabletop fireplace can be hard to see and the vapours inside the fuel container can ignite as it is poured into the fireplace. This can lead to flames violently shooting out of the fuel container or a dangerous explosion that propels flames and burning liquid onto the consumer or bystanders.

Health Canada is aware of one flame jetting incident in Canada resulting in burn injuries. Additionally, Health Canada is aware of at least five incidents in the United States, including two fatalities, where FLIKRFIRE use has resulted in severe burns to extensive areas of consumers’ bodies.

Posted 1/10/2025 7:44 AM | Tell a Friend | Bulletins & Alerts | Comments (0)

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