Lesson 2 - Speaking ABOUT People - In Answer to Your Questions (sorry a tad long)
Q. If we cant believe anything written about someone, how are we allowed to read the newspaper? there are Orthodox newspapers that have news on Jews doing things such as smuggling drugs and doing improper acts. how does this work?
A. Based on Jewish law, we should not be reading the newspaper articles about Jews. and if we read it, we are not allowed to believe it. Just because an Israeli or even a "orthodox" newspaper writes stuff about other Jews that is negative, doesn’t make it any less lashon hora. We have to be really careful. All the rules of listening to and believing would apply. It makes a lot of sense especially with media which reports on stories as facts, but reports it through an individual or organizational lens/viewpoint. The laws of shmirat halashon aren’t to make us tremble in fear at what words we say. The point is to get us to recognize and appreciate the power of our words and what impact they have on others.
Lashon Hora = Saying a derogatory/negative statement about someone else that is TRUE
Motzi Shaim Ra (Defamation of Character) = Saying a derogatory statement that is FALSE
About Whom is it Forbidden to Speak Lashon Hora - Any Individual Jew - Alive or not, - adult or child, family member (spouse, in-laws, parent, child, siblings), groups/sects of Jews, Entire Jewish Nation
Rechilus - A word used to depict the act of telling tales. I.e. someone who goes to a person and tells them what someone else has said about them.