Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud
Friday - 2 Heshvan
Lesson 1 If you hear a child talking negatively about a teacher, it is important to stop them. Teach the child that if the teacher bothered them personally or did something that was wrong or inappropriate, then they should come to the parent privately to discuss.
Lesson 2 If there is an issue to be discussed about a teacher/rebbe, it should not be done in front of other children or adults - rather, only with the person who can help them address the issue constructively.
Shabbat - 3 Heshvan
Lesson 1 Talking about another Jew in a manner which can cause them shame (even thought it is not degrading) is lashon hora.
Lesson 2 - an example of the above lesson - Revealing that someone does not excel in certain areas or performs tasks poorly is lashon hora. This applies even if many people (including yourself) do not excel in this area. Ex: "did you hear the song she sang? it was so off tone!" "did you read the article s/he wrote? it was not written well at all"