Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud
In merit of
this learning may Maor Ben-Nissan and Alan ben Helene Lassry* each be
blessed with an immediate refuah shleima bitoch shaar cholei yisrael!
Friday- 12 Cheshvan
this weeks Torah portion, parshat lech lecha, where G-d tells Avraham
very specifically what to leave and where to go, we learn how important
it is to be specific in order to avoid misunderstandings. Every word we
say is important. When we say something, the more specific we are, the
less chance there is of misunderstanding occurring.
Shabbat - 13 Cheshvan
many arguments include the words "But i thought you meant..."? How much
lashon hara/negative speech is caused by ambiguity or by one word
misquoted and substituted for another? Many tragedies have been brought
about through a misplaced word?
(Lessons taken from Finding the Right Words by Rosally Saltsman)
Create a spiritual, joyous and holy shabbat!
Shabbat Shalom!
* Maor Ben-Nissan and Alan ben Helene Lassry are the two people injured in the shooting at the synagogue yesterday.