Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud
In merit of this learning may Elka Simcha bat Sara and Chana bat Gittel each be blessed with an immediate refuah shleima bitoch shaar cholei yisrael!
What we sometimes can forget is that when we judge someone and then talk negatively about them, besides the problem that we are speaking negatively (lashon hara), we are also not fulfilling the commandment of "bitzedek tishpot et amitecha" "with righteousness we should judge our people".
II - example
Mr. X tells his friend "look at Y. He is always late for davening/prayers"/ Mr. X doesn’t realize that speaking negatively about Y is much worse than coming late for prayers.
(Lessons taken from Purity of Speech by C.T. Friedman and Hilchot Lashon Hora by the Chafetz Chaim)
Create a wonderful day!
- Ora