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FRUMToronto Articles Halacha for Today

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Today’s Halachos -Sunday August 24
1) It is prohibited to talk while using the bathroom (even if the person you are talking to doesn’t know you are in the bathroom).
Even to utter one word or short sentence (“Yes”, No” or “I’m in the bathroom) is prohibited. If extremely urgent to say something, one may say only what is necessary, provided he isn’t actually relieving himself at that moment. 
If one is in the bathroom for any other reason, besides for using the facilities (e.g. brushing teeth, washing hands, giving a child a bath etc.) then it is permitted to speak, according to most Poskim, as the main reason for the prohibition is due to Tznius concerns, and those concerns obviously aren’t warranted when not in there to use the facilities. [There are also Kabalistic reasons for not speaking in a bathroom at any time, even when not using the facilities, however most contemporary Poskim are lenient when doing chores in the bathroom other than using the facilities]
2) It is best to refrain from bringing food and drink items into a bathroom, and surely it is best to refrain from eating in a bathroom.
Food that was brought in to a bathroom should ideally be rinsed off three times before using. If the food was in a sealed container or bag, there is no problem.
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Posted 8/26/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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