1) On all 8 days of Chanukah, the complete Halel is recited following Shacharis. The Bracha of "Baruch Ata Hashem...Likro Es Hahalel" is recited before the recitation of the Halel.
There is no Tefilas Mussaf on Chanukah (besides for Rosh Chodesh and Shabbos), as there was no special Mussaf offering on Chanukah in the Bais HaMikdash.
2) If one is in middle of Halel, and hears a Bracha or Kedusha, he/she has the status as if they were in the middle of Birchos Krias Shema. Thus, in middle of a chapter, one may only interrupt for the first "Amen" of Kadish, "Amen YeHei Shemei Rabbah", "Amen" of "D’Amiran B’Alma V’Imru Amen", the verses "Kadosh" and "Baruch" in Kedusha, The "Amen" of " HaKel HaKadosh" and the "Amen" of " ShoMea Tefilah".
If one is between 2 chapters, he/she may answer "Amen" to all Brachos. (We discussed these Halachos more at length in Hilchos Tefilah: Halachos of Krias Shema. See Archives)
(Reader Submitted Questions of interest (on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topics) and my Answers taken from the Q & A page on the www.HalachaForToday.com website. For study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha. Questions can be sent to Halacha For Today)
Reader’s Question:
Should a wife light [the Chanuka menorah] before the husband comes home from work if [ by the time he comes home] it will be after the zman? and should the husband wait for the wife if she is not home at the zman?(and let her light on her own when she comes home).
Lastly what should one do if he is at a chanukah party and the zman hadlaka arrives. he will not be in his house until later. what should one do? not leave his own house until he lights?
My Answer:
1) The wife should wait for the husband and the husband should wait for the wife and light when both are present, as long as they will all get together before the time of "Tichle Regel min HaShuk- when people are no longer in the streets" (which today’s days can be until 8:00 pm or later according to the Poskim).
If her husband is away and will not be back until very late that night after most people (including his wife and children) are already sleeping, the woman should light at the proper time.
The reason for this is because today that we light inside it is more important to light when everyone [in the family] is present and get the Pirsumei Nisa, rather than light alone at the ideal time. (See Shulchan Aruch and Ram’a Siman 672:2. The Seforim also quote a Mekor Chaim that says that it is best to wait until the entire family is present. The Nemukei Orach Chaim says that a lot of Chasidic Rebbes also light very late as they want all the Chasidim to be present and thus get more Pirsumei Nisa. See also Shu"t Az Nidberu Vol. 3 Siman 30:3 and Shu"t Shevet Halevi Vol. 4 Siman 66 for various variations in this Halacha as far as what time is considered " Tichle Regel" in today’s days.)
2) Ideally one should light (and wait half an hour) before leaving to the party. If not, he can still light when he gets back .