1)There are different opinions amongst the Poskim if the Mishnayos of Perek "BaMeh Madlikin" which are usually said each Friday night before Maariv , is said on Shabbos of Chanukah.
One of the reasons given for not
saying it is because these Mishnayos discuss the many types of oils
which aren’t acceptable for lighting the Shabbos candles. The Gemara (Shabbos 21b) says that the oils that are not good for Shabbos lights are indeed acceptable for Chanukah candles.
Therefore, according to these opinions, we don’t want
people to think we are referring to the Halachos of the Chanukah
candles, so we refrain from saying "BaMeh Madlikin" altogether. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 270:2 and Ram"a and Mishna Berura ibid.) Many Minhagim exist regarding this, and each Kehilah should follow their individual practice.
2) There is a Minhag to say the Mizmor of "Mizmor Shir Chanukas HaBayis L’Dovid" (Tehillim 30) each morning of Chanukah after Shacharis.
Some have the minhag to say it "instead" of the regular Shir Shel Yom (SheYarei Kneses Hagedolah quoting the "Minhag" of many places, Pri Chadash, and Gaon of Vilna [besides for Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh of Chanukah, when he holds only the Shabbos or Rosh Chodesh Mizmor is said.]
Others maintain that both the regular Shir Shel Yom is said, as well as the additional Mizmor for Chanukah. (ShYarei Kneses Hagedolah’s own Psak, quoted in the Be’er Heitev Siman 132:7 and others)
Each Kehilah should do according to the Minhagim they follow.
Submitted Questions of interest (on topics related to Halachos we
covered, as well as other interesting topics) and my Answers taken from
the Q & A page on the www.HalachaForToday.com website. For study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha. Questions can be sent to Halacha For Today)
Reader’s Question:
Does a
person have to stay with the lit candles for the full half hour? For
example, to rush and make an appointment one will have to leave the
neiros alone?
My Answer:
Yes. Ideally one should stay for half an hour in the room
with the candles, or at least stay home with them. It is best not to
light them and immediately run out to an appointment etc. (Besides the danger involved in leaving candles burning in an empty home).
If there are other people who stay in the home and one person is running out, though not ideal, it is better.