1) Besides for the Krias Shma Al HaMitah and HaMapil that is said before bed, it is prudent for each person to "think over" all that happened in the previous day.
If one committed a sin that day, he/she should be remorseful for having committed the sin and accept upon themselves to improve in that area and not commit that sin again; especially sins which are unfortunately sometimes commonplace such as Lashon HaRa, lying, Letzanus, Bitul Torah, Bitul Zman etc. (Mishna Berura 239:9)
2) Some have the minhag to say the Seder of Vidui (Ashamnu, Bagadnu, Gazalnu etc.) each night (besides Shabbos) before going tosleep (Kaf HaChaim 239:2)
It is also good to forgive anybody that may have slighted or hurt you in the day(s) that past, each night before going to bed. Doing so is a Segulah for Arichus Yamim- a long life. (Mishna Berurah ibid.)
Some people have the Minhag, before going to bed, to go to the door of their room, place their hand on the Mezuzah and say certain Pesukim for Shemirah. (See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Siman 71:4)
(Reader Submitted Questions of interest (on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topics) and my Answers taken from the Q & A page on the www.HalachaForToday.com website. For study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha. Questions can be sent to Halacha For Today)
Reader's Question:
In [the] Halacha portion [a while back] you mentioned the issur to daven in front of an open TV.
What about today's computers (with the internet on, for example)? This would come to practical use every day for many of us who eat at least one meal in front of the computer as we work, and then bentch right where we are.
My Answer:
Although I haven't seen any seforim discuss this directly, and it is indeed possible that a computer would be the same Halacha, I would say a Sevara (gut feeling) that in a room with a computer on it is fine to daven for the following reasons:
A computer isn't audible and is much less distracting than a television. Also. you can control whats on the screen and (hopefully) there isnt any Kefirah, Pritzus or other impure graphics G-d forbid on the screen, whereas the TV spews filth and Kefira non stop, and is not in our control.
Obviously one cannot daven or bentch while actually looking at the computer screen, and of course, if it is possible to turn off the computer for a few moments, it would be best, but I don't think it would be as chamur (stringent) as a TV.